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Style Magazine

Introducing Awake Yoga & Meditation Sanctuary in El Dorado Hills

Awake Yoga & Meditation Sanctuary

2201 Francisco Drive, Suite 130, El Dorado Hills, 916-461-3377,  @awake_yoga

Services or products you offer: Yoga, meditation, and other practices that promote physical, mental, and energetic healing (breathwork, mantra, and kriya). We offer group and private classes, workshops, and trainings; and also sell yoga clothing, products, and small gifts.

What you enjoy most about your profession: I get to do what I love—it doesn’t feel like work—and be around amazing people while witnessing huge transformations in their lives through the practices of yoga and meditation. 

Fun fact about your company: We spend Friday nights singing beautiful mantras. The class is led by a Sacramento firefighter-turned-yogi and his wife, a local yoga teacher. 

First job: McDonald’s.

Favorite food: Sushi and sugar. 

Last big purchase: A plane ticket to Greece.

When not working, you can be found: At spin class, hanging out with my teenage boys, bike riding, watching Netflix, doing yoga, or traveling to India (I’ve been there seven times).

you love living here, because: The nature, people, and short commute to work.


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In fact, our Introducing and Eat & Drink section reviews are not paid advertisements. If you’d like your business profiled, please email Megan Wiskus at [email protected]. Once we determine when your business will be featured, we will contact you to schedule a time to come out and take a photograph. Thank you!