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Run a local business that you'd like to get featured on Add your business and community events for FREE!
In addition to great advertising packages that put you in front of our audience in print, online, social media & more we're introducing a new web series that highlights Local Living and Lifestyle.
We're looking for products and services that enhance life whether fun and play, relaxation and retreat, or something else entirely. We want to experience and review everything that living in Northern California has to offer and share it with our readers.
To be eligible complete the form below and tell us why you think locals would want to read about your business (and watch through the magic of video). Your business can serve adults or families and kids but fun, food, and great experiences.
Complete the form below and one of our web-editors will be in touch to see if you qualify and, if so, schedule a visit.
Want even more exposure?
Could you use more local thinking about, talking about, and visiting your business? Then you're in luck.In addition to great advertising packages that put you in front of our audience in print, online, social media & more we're introducing a new web series that highlights Local Living and Lifestyle.

To be eligible complete the form below and tell us why you think locals would want to read about your business (and watch through the magic of video). Your business can serve adults or families and kids but fun, food, and great experiences.
Complete the form below and one of our web-editors will be in touch to see if you qualify and, if so, schedule a visit.