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Style Magazine

Introducing Placerville's Lee-Anne Flaherty at Footrafic Shoe Boutique

451 Main Street, Suite 7, Placerville, 530-344-7349,, @footrafic_shoe_boutique

Services or products you offer: Sacha London and Vionic shoes, casual apparel, and a selection of purses and scarves.

What you enjoy most about your profession: Shopping nonstop—retail therapy!

Fun fact about your company: We’re the exclusive retailer of Sacha London shoes in Sacramento and El Dorado County.

First job: A cashier at Safeway in Scotland.

Favorite food: Kale! I have an eclectic palate and enjoy stews, soups, veggies, and fish.

Last big purchase: My new house in Placerville. 

When I’m not working, you can find me: In my garden, harvesting veggies and planting beautiful flowers for the deer to eat (still working on that!); spending time with family, friends, and my dogs; or volunteering with CASA El Dorado.

I love living here, because: Placerville is a lot like my hometown in Scotland—small community, beautiful hiking trails, and close to rivers and lakes. The weather is hotter than I anticipated, but the winter storms are magnificent, especially when sitting by the fire. 

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