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Style Magazine

Introducing Justin Henry of Emerge Marketing Strategies

180 Promenade Circle, Suite 300, Sacramento  |  916-877-6117  |

Describe your business. Did you find it, or did it find you?

I created Emerge Marketing Strategies after working with several small- to medium-sized businesses. Most understand that digital marketing is necessary but may not understand the value or have time to dedicate to marketing. I wanted to create a company that would help multiple businesses receive marketing department-like services for a fraction of the cost it would take to build one out. We focus on brand awareness, lead generation, and strategy in the form of ad management, SEO services, social media management, and more.


What was the first job you ever had, and what did you learn from the experience?

McDonald's! It taught me to work at a fast pace and the value of the customer experience. With billions of customers, McDonald’s showed me that consistency and taking a value approach to service can go a long way. I worked everywhere and did everything—fries, burgers, mopping floors, cashier, and drive thru—but also saw that management would do the same when needed, and I appreciated seeing that. Interacting with hundreds of customers during a shift also allowed me to learn how to interact with so many types of personalities, including the raging, angry ones!


How are you involved with both the community and your customer?

I love giving back by motivating, inspiring, and providing mentorship when possible. I have coached youth sports for the last four years, and it has been a rewarding experience. I love being able to teach the kids teamwork, discipline, and routine, as well as other life lessons. Having that educating nature is also an approach I take with my customers. By teaching the importance of marketing, offering tips in EmergeNow (resource section of the Emerge Marketing Strategies website) and showing metrics, it helps customers understand the true value of marketing and how it impacts their business. Oftentimes marketing is thought of as an expense, and we prove how it’s an investment.


Why is your staff the best in the business?

We take pride in providing maximum value and return on investment. By customizing solutions for businesses and educating them, we bring a much-needed value to businesses. We listen to what the business needs to achieve and customize a solution for them.


What life accomplishments are you most proud of?

Being a father to my three boys (Tyson, Adrian, and Xavier). Though I have completed college, won several awards (sports and business), closed some high commissions, and even started a business from scratch, being able to watch my three sons grow, learn, and develop has been—and will always be—the most rewarding.


Where do you go when the going gets tough?

I love reading to clear my mind and work on daily improvement. Also, going to the gym every morning allows me to focus and get out any frustrations.


What’s your favorite place to eat out locally?

Flame and Fire is one of a kind. I'm a big guy so all-you-can-eat portions combined with quality food turns into a match made in heaven! 


What’s your favorite childhood memory?

Going to family parties is something I will always remember. I have a huge family on both of my parents’ sides, so anytime we went to a family event, there were 30-40 people minimum, plus great food and someone getting too competitive when we played dominos, sports, cards, or other games! 


If you could meet someone living or dead, who would it be and why?

Elon Musk. His innovation is inspiring, and I would love to pick his brain about the ability to be progressive in nature. 


And finally, customer service is…?

Everything. Without satisfied customers you have no business. To me, I understand that the business dollar is valuable, and I want to make sure that every dollar spent results in maximum value for our customers.