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Style Magazine

Ask the Expert: Diet or Exercise

Jul 25, 2017 02:14PM ● By Style

Kalim @

Is diet or exercise more important when it comes to keeping healthy?

Like many things in life, the two cannot be separated in the quest to stay healthy. The gym rat eating nothing but fast food is no healthier than the couch potato who restricts themselves to less than 1,200 calories a day. In other words, everything in moderation and everything as part of a greater balance. Healthy exercise is a combination of cardio, weight-based and recovery workouts over the course of each week. Alternating between them allows the muscles to build and recover. If you find yourself stuck, shake up your routine, and remember to keep it fun! Diet is a term too often associated with new fads; healthy eating, on the other hand, is a lifestyle choice rather than a quick way to lose weight. Again, everything in moderation. Limit carbohydrates and sugar; eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and healthy proteins; and drink four to eight glasses of water daily.

 Kate Milroy, MD  //  Marshall Pediatrics  //  4341 Golden Center Drive, Suite A, Placerville  //  530-626-1144,