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Style Magazine

Introducing Daycation for Seniors in Rocklin

Jun 27, 2017 02:03PM ● By Megan Wiskus

Photo by Dante Fontana © Style Media Group

Daycation for Seniors 
Yvonne Mitchell and Paul Kelly
6011 Stanford Ranch Road, Suite 105, Rocklin, 916-899-6166 

Answers by Yvonne Mitchell

Describe your business. Did you find it, or did it find you?

My partner, Paul Kelly, and I saw a great need and missing piece in the spectrum of senior care. With a lifelong background in senior care, it only seemed natural that we start a business, so we opened Daycation. Our mission is to keep seniors home instead of going into an institution and give their caregivers a break. 

How are you involved with both the community and your customer? 

We’re very active in our community and attend local events to talk about the benefits of senior day care. We’re also active members of the Rocklin and Roseville Chambers of Commerce. 

Why is your staff the best in the business? 

We’re very choosy when we hire, making sure we employ CNAs who have experience with seniors and a great passion to serve them.  

What’s your biggest job perk? 

I feel very fortunate to work with seniors; they have so much to share and contribute, and I truly value their friendships, varying personalities, and the different histories they share. It’s a gift to be able to bring happiness and joy to their lives and gives me a sense of worthiness and great fulfillment. I also enjoy planning and doing activities with them—it’s like a year-round summer camp for aging seniors! Lastly, I love interacting with them and all our service/enrichment animals (bearded dragon, fish, bunnies, pig, dogs and other visiting pets). So, in other words, I get to share my passions with seniors—arts, crafts, plants, music, socializing, science, games and exercise, to name a few.

And finally, customer service is…?

Everything. Our goal is for every senior to have a great day—filled with friendships and fun. In addition, we want caregivers to have peace of mind that their loved ones are in good hands at a friendly, supervised place.  

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Questions? Please contact Managing Editor Megan Wiskus at [email protected]