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Style Magazine

Secrets of Success from Krista Bernasconi, Owner and Principal of KFB Public Affairs

Apr 25, 2017 05:01PM ● By Style

I had to do the math to make sure I was counting to five correctly. Five years in business has flown by and has been a source of humor, humility and hard work and downright fun. These are my five takeaways. I would love to hear yours! Drop me a line at [email protected].

1/Perfectionism can work against you 

Perfectionism can be stifling, downright unproductive and can be a barrier to success. Sometimes good enough is just that. There comes a time when we have to step back from the keyboard, stop wondering, and execute, or as some would say, implement the JFDI action plan! 

2/Failure is an option 

There are worse things than failing. There, I said it. Failure is part of life. It’s life’s way of letting us know we are on the wrong path. As a Navy veteran, I am partial to the saying “smooth seas never made a skilled sailor.” So go on. Take risks, fall down, regroup, and get back out there. 

3/Repeat after me: I am creative and you are creative

Singing, drawing and performing are not things I do, but that has little to do with being creative. So, let’s agree that we’re all creative; it may be that it isn’t in the “arts.” It may be with your thinking, ability to find resources, or with your writing and hobbies. Creativity is your individual style of traveling through life. Honor it!

4/Create a zero hour 

Soon after becoming a business owner, I realized I needed self-preservation; mine just happens to be every morning while my family is sleeping. Find time that works for you and those around you and spend your “zero hour” doing what makes you feel mentally clearer and stronger, and then make it a ritual. Work out, watch the sunrise, read the paper or a book, or go for a walk. And do everything you can to protect this time. 

5/Be gut-guided

As my imaginary BFF Oprah says, never ignore your inner voice. Time and again I am reminded, if it doesn’t feel right, step away. The same is true that if it’s something you believe in and feels right to you, take the plunge. 

And as I look forward to KFB’s sixth year, I leave you with this…

Get rich by giving

I follow the notion that no one ever goes broke by giving. Give your time, offer a meal, run an errand, take a friend’s kids overnight, donate your talent, serve a nonprofit. Do it often. Don’t complain, and don’t boast about how you swooped in and saved the day. After all, character is doing the right thing when no one is watching. 

by Krista Bernasconi, owner and principal of KFB Public Affairs