We Tried It: Shopping Naturally

1950 Douglas Boulevard, Roseville, 916-789-8591;
2160 Grass Valley Highway, Auburn, 530-888-8973, sunrisenaturalfoods.net
I’m the man of the house and also do the grocery shopping. Typically, I find myself at one of our local large chains; since I only buy for two, my weekly trips are quick and fairly mundane.
However, something occurred in the last few months that has resonated with me, as it should all of us. A doctor friend suggested I take a harder look at what I’m putting in my body. She specifically mentioned vitamins, supplements, fruits, and veggies—and she was very clear in reminding me that all these things aren’t created equally.
With that in mind, I went searching to see what stores might fill the bill—or the basket, in this case.
After a thorough search of specialty “grocery” stores it was clear that this is a unique category, and unique is a perfect description of Sunrise Natural Foods. I went there with the idea of making my usual choices as “healthy” as possible and keeping it local, meaning local ownership, not a chain. Sunrise checked all the boxes, plus it's in my neighborhood.

I read ingredients and considered my usual diet. All the staples were there, and I enjoyed finding a lot of new brands. I found the labels to be especially eye-opening; I could pronounce the ingredients! From cereal and snacks to soda, I found myself thinking that I no longer needed a PhD to decipher the chemical compounds found in most of the products I regularly purchase.
I was also happy to see that some of the staples I buy at my go-to grocers were here as well—and priced about the same.

Lastly, if you’re looking for bulk herbs and spices, Sunrise has a treasure trove of them, along with high-quality body and skin care products (according to my wife).
I don’t know if Sunrise will become your go-to place to shop, but I will tell you this: It’s definitely worth a look—I feel healthier already!

by Patrick Cronan