April Calendar: April is National Grilled Cheese Month

April 4th
An Evening of Insight. Gather at Roseville’s Timber Creek Ballroom from 6-9:30 p.m. for this one-of-a-kind experience where you’ll learn what it would be like to live with a disability. In addition to dinner, the evening also includes auctions (live, silent, and dessert). Proceeds benefit A Touch of Understanding and their mission to spread kindness, understanding, and respect amongst children and communities. touchofunderstanding.org/about-evening-of-insightKidsFirst Luncheon & Fashion Show. Join KidsFirst as they launch Child Abuse Prevention Month and celebrate their 35th year of service to the community. In addition to a catered luncheon and fashion show, awards will be presented to the 2024 Children’s Champions. The fundraiser begins at 10:30 a.m. at Rocklin’s Chalet Event Center. kidsfirstnow.org/get-involved/news-events/kidsfirst-luncheon-2024
April 5th
Cabaret. Step back into 1920s Berlin as Germany slowly yields to the emerging threat of the Nazis in this heady musical. The award-winning performance, presented by Falcon’s Eye Theatre at the Harris Center, begins at 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, with a 2 p.m. Sunday matinee. harriscenter.net/cabaret(ALSO 6-7 & 12-14)
April 6th
Cancel Out Parkinson’s Walk. Head to Roseville’s Maidu Regional Park at 10 a.m. to support those with Parkinson’s disease. All funds raised will benefit the nonprofit, Parkinson Association of Northern California. Post-walk festivities include a resource fair, prizes, lunch, and live music. panctoday.orgSip into Spring. Dive into spring along the Placer Wine Trail from noon-5 p.m. Tickets include tastings at 19 participating wineries (and one brewery), plus live music, food trucks, and treats at some locations. placerwine.com/plan-your-visit/events/sipintospring
(ALSO 7)

Off Center: An International Ceramic Competition
Off Center: An International Ceramic Competition. Blue Line Arts’ annual competition highlights works of art created by some of the world’s finest ceramic artists in various forms: functional, non-functional, abstract, sculpture, mixed media, and more. The opening reception is on April 20 from 5-7 p.m. bluelinearts.org

Dragon Boat Festival
Dragon Boat Festival. Cheer on your favorite team as they push their limits in a showdown at Lake Natoma. A drummer costume contest, awards ceremony, food trucks, and local vendors are also part of the inaugural festival benefiting Powerhouse Ministries. Opening ceremonies begin at 9 a.m. at Black Miners Bar; admission is free for spectators. phmfolsom.org/events

American River 50-Mile Endurance Run
American River 50-Mile Endurance Run. Lace up your shoes for the second largest 50-miler in the U.S. while enjoying scenic views of Folsom Lake and Lake Natoma. The race also includes a 25-miler beginning at Beal’s Point and a 10-miler beginning at Rattlesnake Bar, both of which finish in Auburn. Runners can expect multiple aid stations, along with music, motivational signs, and enthusiastic volunteers. ar50mile.com
April 13th
Art Studio Trek. Peruse the work of 17 artists in varying mediums across South Placer County (Roseville, Rocklin, Lincoln, and Granite Bay) while learning about their creative process, watching demos, and sampling chocolate. Admission is free. artstudiotrek.com(ALSO 14)
Spring Carnival. Expect classic carnival games (ring toss, darts, duck racing), plus face painting, a bounce obstacle course, and special play area for children ages 0-5 at this free event from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.. at the El Dorado Hills Library. Guests can purchase lunch and treats from participating food trucks. edhlibraryspringcarnival2024press.my.canva.site
April 14th
Run Rocklin. Participate in this annual race at Johnson-Springview Park and support the Matt Redding Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting education in protective services. Register as an individual or team and choose between a kids’ dash and one-mile race, 5K, 10K, or half marathon. Following the race, expect food, beverages, a bounce house, and community expo. runrocklin.comEuropean Serenade. The VITA Academy returns to the Harris Center with their Great Composers Chamber Music Series, featuring violinist Ian Jessee, Hungarian violist István Polónyí, cellist Susan Lamb Cook, alongside others who will perform works by Beethoven and Dohnáni. The show begins at 2 p.m. harriscenter.net/european-serenade
California Youth Triathlon. Kids are invited to participate in a youth (15 and under) and junior (ages 16-19) triathlon, both sanctioned by USA Triathlon, at Folsom Lake’s Granite Beach. Wetsuits are recommended but not required; start times vary depending on age division. totalbodyfitness.com/site/race/2024-california-youth-triathlon
April 17th
Dinner on the Bridge. Enjoy an elegant three-course meal with wine on the Roseville Downtown Bridge from 5-6:30 p.m. Participants also receive entry into the community Wine Down Wednesday event (held after the dinner) where they will enjoy six wine tastings and receive a souvenir glass. roseville.ca.us/residents/city_events/dinner_on_the_bridgePark Party. Grab a picnic blanket and take the family to Saratoga Park in El Dorado Hills from 5-7 p.m. for family games and a free dinner. eldoradohillscsd.org/calendar.php
April 19th
Bet on Rotary. Help support community causes, charities, and Rotary International projects at the Folsom Community Center at 6 p.m. Guests can expect appetizers, a no-host bar, raffle prizes, and a silent and live auction. folsomlakerotary.org/9107April 20th
April Pool’s Day. Take the littles to the El Dorado Hills Community Pool from 1-3 p.m. for an afternoon of free swimming. Staff will be available to answer questions, and resident services will be open and available for general inquiries. eldoradohillscsd.org/calendar.php
April Pool’s Day
Taco Throwdown. Ages 21 and up are invited to this tasty taco competition at The Grounds in Roseville. Festivities include games, music, and wine and beer (available for purchase). The event is from 1-5 p.m. (noon for VIP entrance) with judging at 4 p.m. tacothrowdown.com
Passport. Sip your way through El Dorado County’s finest wineries—including Bumgarner, Busby Cellars, Holly’s Hill Vineyards, Chateau Davell, Skinner, and more—at this two-day wine festival where winemakers and vineyard owners bring out limited releases and unique grape varieties alongside food pairings. eldoradowines.org
(ALSO 21)

Holly’s Hill Vineyards
Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! Written by Mo Willems, the author of the award-winning Pigeon picture books, watch as the bus driver has a crisis that perhaps only the pigeon can fix. Shows begin at 2 p.m. at Roseville Theatre Arts Academy. rosevilletheatreartsacademy.com
(ALSO 21 & 27-28)
Titan. Witness acclaimed pianist Jon Nakamatsu join forces with the Folsom Lake Symphony for the third time following his performances of Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1 and Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2. Nakamatsu has been a guest artist for over 150 symphonies worldwide and is a gold medalist of the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. The performance begins at 7:30 p.m. at the Harris Center. harriscenter.net/titan
April 21st
Black Market Trust. Expect a fun, Rat Pack-style comedy and intricate vocal harmonies at this premier live act performance featuring pieces from The Great American Songbook combined with Django’s romantic and impeccable style. The show begins at 2 p.m. at the Harris Center. harriscenter.net/black-market-trustApril 24th
TISRA. Showcasing the rich folk and classical traditions of the Indian states of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Punjab, this colorful, compelling performance combines tabla, sarangi (bowed instrument said to sound like a human voice), and bansuri (bamboo flute), along with two of Indian’s finest musicians. The show begins at 7:30 p.m. at the Harris Center. harriscenter.net/zakir-hussainApril 26th
Stand up for MORE. Enjoy a night of entertainment and comedy at the El Dorado County Fairgrounds beginning at 5 p.m. The evening includes a catered meal, raffle, and a live auction. Proceeds benefit MORE and the El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce. morerehab.orgFamily Fun Night. Head to Folsom’s Andy Morin Sports Complex from 5-8 p.m. for pizza followed by organized games, activities, and competitions (free throw contest, soccer shootout, life-sized board games, a relay obstacle course, etc.)—all hosted by Folsom Parks & Recreation. folsom.ca.us/government/parks-recreation/recreation/special-events
April 27th
Pitch, Hit, & Run. Baseball and softball players (ages 7-14) of all skill levels are invited to participate in this annual competition at El Dorado Hill’s Promontory Park from 2-5 p.m. The top players in each category will receive awards at the end of the event. eldoradohillscsd.org/calendar.php
Pitch, Hit, & Run
Love Roseville. This citywide event mobilizes volunteers of all ages to complete various projects at Royer Park and throughout Roseville. Sign up for a task or a donation-forward project and make a positive, lasting impact in the community. loveroseville.org
Folsom Garden Tour. Don’t miss the Folsom Garden Club’s annual tour where attendees are invited to walk through seven beautiful private gardens, two bonus gardens, and partake in a plant and bake sale at the Murer House. Master Gardeners are also available to answer questions. folsomgarden.org
(ALSO 28)

Spring into Zin
Spring into Zin. Celebrate the varietal that has left its mark on Amador County by exploring up to five of the nine participating Steiner Road wineries. Tickets include a souvenir glass and barrel tastings paired with small bites. The event is from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. startonsteiner.com/events
Lincoln Wine Fest. Grab your friends and head to Beermann Plaza from 1-5 p.m. to sip local Placer County wines and beers while shopping at Downtown Lincoln’s shops, stores, museums, and attractions. Small bites—courtesy of local restaurants and caterers—accompany most participating wineries and breweries. lincolnwinefest.org
April 28th
Spring Arts & Crafts Fair. Expect over 200 artisan crafters, wandering musicians, donation-based face painters, and food vendors alongside brick-and-mortar merchants and restaurateurs at this annual juried craft fair. The event (held rain or shine) is from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. along Historic Folsom’s Sutter Street. historicfolsom.org/2024/04/28/170805/55th-annual-spring-arts-and-crafts-fair
Spring Arts & Crafts Fair
by Bella Nolen
Dinner on the Bridge photo courtesy of the City of Roseville. Grilled cheese photo © Lek - stock.adobe.com. Off Center: An International Ceramic Competition photo courtesy of Blue Line Arts. AR 50 Mile Run photo by Jesse Ellis of Let’s Wander Photography. April Pool’s Day photo by El Dorado Hills Community Services District. Passport photo by Lauren Lindley. Pitch, Hit, and Run photo by El Dorado Hills Community Services District. Lincoln Wine Fest photo by Lincoln Wine Fest. Arts and Crafts Fair photo by Bill Sullivan.