Allure Skin & Laser

4080 Cavitt Stallman Rd., Ste. 100 // Granite Bay
Skin & Laser is a Dermatology and Medical Aesthetic Clinic
specializing in skin rejuvenation as well as treating broad spectrum
dermatologic needs including pediatric vascular anomalies. Our focus is
laser resurfacing, injectable neurotoxins and fillers, laser hair
reduction. We strive to cultivate a comfortable, clean and confident
environment for our broad array of beautiful patients. Our collaborating
Dermatologist is Dr. Marc Serota.
We offer the
Morpheus8 procedure which uses scientifically studied fractionated
radio-frequency energy to tighten skin, rebuild collagen and remodel fat
for an overall improved skin complexion, texture, and tone. It is
minimally invasive, using a matrix of micro pins to renew deeper layers
of the skin with minimal patient downtime. The most commonly treated
areas include the lower face and neck, but other body areas can be
treated, such as the abdomen and arms. It is an effective treatment for
acne scarring and striae/stretch marks. It can also be used for
cessation of hyperhidrosis (underarm sweating). Morpheus8’s color blind
technology allows it to be used on all skin types, even darker skin
tones. This may be used in conjunction with PRP (platelet rich plasma)
for accelerated healing and collagen stimulation.
treatments offered include: • Botox®/Dysport® • Sculptra/Radiesse •
Dermal Fillers: Hyaluronic acid wrinkle fillers including
Juvederm/Restylane/Kybella for Face/Kybella for Jowls and Double Chins •
PDO Threadlifting • Clinical Dermatology • Skin cancer screening,
biopsies • Personalized Skin Health Program