Where We Live: December 2022
Gold Bug Park & Mine
This 362-foot hard rock mine just outside Downtown Placerville features a gift shop, stamp mill, Hattie’s Museum, hiking trails, and gold panning across the park’s 60+ acres. goldbugpark.org
Historic Main Street Placerville
Peruse 19th-century architecture, the historic Cary House Hotel, and the oldest hardware store west of the Mississippi (Placerville Hardware), in addition to fine art galleries, gift shops, antique shops, farm-to-fork restaurants, clothiers, and more. historicplacerville.com
El Dorado County Historical Museum
This museum features displays and artifacts from El Dorado County’s history and provides research resources, including genealogy assistance. museum.edcgov.us
Wakamatsu Farm
This historic site was settled by Japanese colonists from Aizu Wakamatsu (Fukushima Prefecture) in 1869, making it the first Japanese colony in North America. It’s the birthplace of the first naturalized Japanese-American and the only settlement established by samurai outside of Japan. Educational tours are available year-round. arconservancy.org/wakamatsu
Fountain & Tallman Museum
Located in Placerville’s original Main Street soda works building the was built in 1852, the museum contains artifacts and exhibits from the city’s history. eldoradocountyhistoricalsociety.org/?page_id=30
Source: visit-eldorado.comWe Want to See Your Snaps!
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(must be vertical!) to [email protected]. Our favorite pics will appear
in an upcoming issue.
Send your favorite seasonal photo of the region
(must be vertical!) to [email protected]. Our favorite pics will appear
in an upcoming issue.
Photo of Historic Main Street Placerville by Jared Monez @monezmedia