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Style Magazine

Fire and Ice Games

Fire and Ice Games
6688 Lonetree Blvd., Suite 100  |  Rocklin
916-655-3959  |  Fire.and.Ice.Games

Thank you for voting us the #1 Best Specialty Retailer in the region. We're a one-stop-shop for retro and modern video games, consoles, cards, and gaming.

Here's what Jeffrey on Yelp says, “I've been going here for several months now to hunt for games. The selection is the best I've ever seen for all consoles and I am always pleased to see how organized and categorized everything always is. The staff is very helpful and super passionate about video games. Thanks to them, I have been able to secure copies of my favorite games in excellent condition on the SNES and Gameboy Color. If you're looking for consoles, portables, games, and also Graded games and TCG, this is definitely the place to go.”