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Melodee Rohlff, Rn Bsn — VIP Concierge Care — Medical Professionals 2022

650-465-4079  //

My name is Melodee Rohlff. I founded a unique model of care, VIP Concierge Care. I saw the need with early discharges after surgeries. The fear, anxiety and uncertainty is a stressor and in turn slows healing  which causes undesired outcomes: infections, postop bleeding and prolonged healing. We take that on for you and your family allowing a healing environment in the comfort of your own space with knowledgeable caregivers.

Not everyone wants to have family or friends assisting them. I am an ER Critical Care RN BSN with public health care certifications and have worked from Stanford University to Santa Clara Valley Trauma Center from the OR to the ER. I care for clients in their homes, Airbnbs, or hotels following surgery. While I do focus on plastic surgery, I also provide aftercare for all procedures such as maternity, orthopedic, and cardiac. Patients are discharged quicker than in the past and are often left with unanswered questions. Let us be your advocate after surgery or by telehealth for simple questions. Mobile IV Hydration coming soon

If you need care for you or family, call for a consultation. With our VIP experience and care you can apply your energy into healing!