Ask the Expert: When Should I Schedule My Custom Senior Portraits?

Q: When should I schedule my custom senior portraits?
A: Yearbook portraits are a milestone portrait, but many families choose to hire a custom senior portrait photographer too. I recommend scheduling custom senior portraits as soon as you decide on the time of year you would like to complete the portraits. Certain months are very busy for photographers. If you want fall leaves, book now! If you want spring flowers, book now! By scheduling an appointment before school starts, you can select a date versus being driven by the limited schedule of the photographer. If you wait until the last minute to schedule high school senior portraits, the photographer might not have availability. Senior year is an exciting and fast-moving year, so get this checked off your to-do list as soon as possible.
A: Yearbook portraits are a milestone portrait, but many families choose to hire a custom senior portrait photographer too. I recommend scheduling custom senior portraits as soon as you decide on the time of year you would like to complete the portraits. Certain months are very busy for photographers. If you want fall leaves, book now! If you want spring flowers, book now! By scheduling an appointment before school starts, you can select a date versus being driven by the limited schedule of the photographer. If you wait until the last minute to schedule high school senior portraits, the photographer might not have availability. Senior year is an exciting and fast-moving year, so get this checked off your to-do list as soon as possible.
—Audrey Perez, Audrey Perez Photography, 916-217-4101,