We Tried It!: Review of Lagunitas Disorderly TeaHouse
It’s time to face the facts: I’m old. Well, kind of. I’m at least feeling the aging process as the years go on, especially when it comes to alcohol. A couple of beers a few years ago was nothing! But now, after just one, how is it that I feel full and tired? Not ideal for a Saturday afternoon during the summer.
Pre-legal drinking age, my go-to was iced tea. Flavorful, light, and refreshing. Am I doomed to go back to the days where my fun weekend drink was non-alcoholic? Nope! And thank goodness. Lagunitas Brewing Co. has released a spiked and sparkling tea. My prayers have been answered.
Their Disorderly TeaHouse features three flavors and I was lucky enough to try them all. Between Yuzu Lemon Squeeze, Mixed-Up Berries, and Peach Slice, the latter was my favorite. In all honesty, the flavors were a bit difficult to sense, but that little punch of peach hit me. Overall, they mostly taste like tea with a bit of carbonation. So, this drink is perfect for tea-lovers in my opinion. My beer-loving husband was indifferent, but then again he likes the heavy stuff when it comes to beers. (He’d gladly drink these again, he shared. Is that him asking me to go get some more?)
Now, arguably the best part about Disorderly TeaHouse is the calorie count. I told you, I’m getting old…every calorie counts these days! And not only that, there are zero grams of sugar. But it sure doesn’t taste like that. There’s just enough sweetness to balance the guayusa tea leaves. One more bonus, as if you needed another reason to buy these right now, it’s gluten-free. Chalk one up for the sensitive calorie-counters that still enjoy imbibing!
These will certainly be my new go-to this summer, along with their specially-curated playlist you can find here and recipes for an even more fun time.
By Emily Peter-Corey