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Revolutions Naturopathic - Hormone Balancing, Sports Medicine, Infectious Disease - in Folsom & Roseville

230 Blue Ravine Road  //  Folsom
254 Gibson Drive  //  Roseville
916-351-9355  //

Would you like a doctor who has time to address all of your questions? Who combines modern medicine with more natural, science-based approaches? Who can run the latest in advanced lab testing to maximize your potential and increase your chances for prevention of serious illness? Our team of naturopathic doctors has helped thousands of people since 2009. While our doctors use many of the same physical exams and laboratory tests as medical doctors our intention is to take care of the whole person, treating the cause of disease, not just the symptoms.

With nine doctors, our expertise covers a wide range of health needs including gastrointestinal issues, sports injury, infectious disease, oncology support, autoimmune disease, detoxification, bio-identical hormones, peri-menopause, menopause and weight loss. Revolutions Naturopathic is a family clinic where you, as an individual, are respected in the process of healing. We believe in a lasting doctor-patient relationship so you have the knowledge to take charge of your own health and receive the thorough medical care that you deserve.

If you would like to meet one of our doctors and learn more about naturopathic medicine, call 916-351-9355 to schedule a free 15 minute coordination meeting.