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Style Magazine

Folsom Parks and Recreation: Find Your Fit

Folsom Parks and Recreation offers a variety of dance, fitness, and sports programs for all ages, from preschoolers to seniors. 


Build coordination and motor skills while having fun by signing your kiddos up for swim lessons, soccer, tennis, taekwondo, basketball, and dance. Note: Many of the programs require parent participation.


Classes for youth and teens introduce fundamental skills and rules of play, teach the principles of teamwork and sportsmanship, and are a great way to have fun while engaging in physical exercise. Selections include dance, soccer, tennis, football, wrestling, archery, swimming and more. 

ADULTS (18+)

Adult fitness programs are a great way to try out a new activity or build on existing skills, relieve stress, and meet new people. Selections include yoga, tai chi, tennis, lap swim, aquacise, and team sports; some are ongoing and allow drop-in participation. 


Programs for seniors provide important social contact, in addition to exercising the mind and body by building and maintaining strength, balance, and flexibility. Selections include yoga, tai chi, aquacise, pickleball, flexibility/strength training, chair-based fitness, and the guided “Walk and Talk” program that takes participants on tours of Folsom’s recreational trails. Seniors may also enroll in adult fitness programs and sports leagues.


The city’s 45-mile network of scenic, paved recreational trails provides convenient access for walking, running, or bicycling. Trails can be accessed within most neighborhoods and near businesses and retail centers. A map of the trails can be found on the city’s website.


Organized run or walk events are great motivators to work toward a fitness goal. Gather a group of friends or your family and take part in the fourth annual “Love My Mom” 5K run or walk on May 12. 

To view the full selection of programs and for more information, visit or call 916-461-6601.

By Lesley Miller