Reads, Tunes and Flicks for the Sacramento Region
Sep 01, 2016 10:07AM ● By David Norby
Frozen (Original Movie Soundtrack)

As a Veronica Mars fan, I always thought Kristen Bell was neatorama, but then when she showed up in Frozen as Princess Anna and she could sing?! Turns out Bell was a lifelong Disneyphile and a (closeted) classically trained singer, and she’d wanted to be in a Disney movie since she was little. Yep, she’s officially the best.

Down in a Hole—Kiefer Sutherland
Now that he’s not saving the world from terrorists, the man we used to know as Jack Bauer is trying his hand at country music; and as it turns out, he’s pretty good at it. Down in a Hole draws from Sutherland’s love for outlaw country, classic rock and good storytelling.
Bossypants by Tina Fey

The thing I love about Tina Fey’s Bossypants is it’s not just a comedian doing “bits.” Fey shares lessons from her life in a way that makes you feel like you’re getting really good advice; it’s pretty inspiring. And I’ll be honest—I was so inspired that I gave it to my sister-in-law and my mother-in-law as Christmas gifts that same year. Meaty, good stuff!
The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo by Amy Schumer

Some of the best comedy comes from brutal honesty, and there’s no one more brutally honest, or gasping-for-air funny than Amy Schumer. Her book is comedic storytelling at its finest, but with that deep well of honesty that feels like a 2 a.m. tell-all share-fest at a sleepover with the girls. But way funnier…WAY funnier.
The Avengers

I’ve been binge-watching Buffy on Netflix, and as I watched a giant lizard-demon devour Sunnydale High School I realized something awesome; Joss Whedon has been making The Avengers in his head for at least 15 years. It’s no wonder the movie turned out so great, and the Avengers quietly eating shwarma together post-credits? CLASSIC Whedon.
Captain America: Civil War

Cap’s undying allegiance to Bucky sets him apart from Iron Man and his fellow Avengers; suddenly not everyone loves or trusts the great Captain America. Plus, we meet Black Panther (who rules), the new Spiderman (who is great) and freakin’ Ant-Man shows up! Guys, this movie is great.