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Style Magazine

Jan 31, 2014 05:47AM ● By Style

Photo by Dante Fontana, © Style Media Group

Describe your business. Did you find it, or did it find you?

It was a combination of both. It started out as a charity idea to transport kids from Gold Trail School to the local Boys and Girls Club, and later I offered to take some friends wine tasting. After people saw us taking trips and asking if they could do a wine tour, it all came together and soon became what it is today.

What was the first job you ever had, and what did you learn from the experience?

I was a gas station attendant at George Turnboo’s station (across the street from the former Poor Red’s Bar-B-Q in El Dorado). I learned to get out of the gas station business!

What life accomplishments are you most proud of?

My three children, but a close second would be my accomplishments in go-kart racing as a youth, and later sports car racing as an adult. In addition, there are the hundreds of homes, stores, restaurants and churches I’ve built as the owner of M.J. Pettibone Builders over the past 22 years, as well as my involvement with Kiwanis.

Where do you go when the going gets tough?

To the front line—I try to solve problems and put out fires before they get out of hand. Handling things that come my way in both business and life is best done up-front, head-on and timely.

What’s your biggest job perk?

I get to enjoy people on their day off!

What’s your favorite place to eat out locally?

Cascada in Placerville.

Where do you and your family go locally to have fun?

The pasture at my parents’ ranch in Shingle Springs—a hot bonfire, a cold beer, and family gathered around are my most cherished things.

And finally, customer service is…?

Our biggest priority!

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