Introducing...The Colon Therapy Center
Nov 02, 2009 10:44AM ● By Wendy Sipple
Photo by Dante Fontana
Describe your business. Did you find it, or did it find you?
I began as a certified Colon therapist in 1996, sold it after two years and went to work for the State of California. This year, I retired and decided to re-establish a new practice specializing in processes that detoxify our bodies. We are exposed to so many toxins in the air, in the food we eat, etc. I have re-certified myself as a colon therapist, providing colonics or colon irrigation, in which I irrigate the 6-9 feet of someone’s colon, cleaning out the years of blockage and build up sludge. I also provide Ionic-detoxifying footbaths, in which we clean the body via a special, ionically charged footbath of negative ions, including lactic and uric acid, heavy metals, liver, spleen and lymphatic toxins. It takes away joint and muscle pain, increases mental sharpness and increases sleep patterns.
What was your first job, and what did you learn from the experience?
A shoe stocker in a large men’s store. I would receive shipments, stock the shoes, and make signs for the whole store. I learned the value of hard work and focus.
How are you involved with both the community and your customer?
I believe in giving back! I have provided time at Loaves and Fishes, served holiday dinners, meals on wheels, and love coaching soccer.
Who is your role model in business or in life, and why?
Galileo, Edison and Einstein. I am an out-of-the box thinker, and admire the great thinkers in history who pushed the envelope.
What’s your hidden talent? Stand-up comedy.
What’s your biggest job perk?
Taking the time to get to know my patients as we work together for an hour at a time.
What’s your favorite childhood memory?
Camping in Yosemite and deep-sea fishing with my dad.
If you could meet someone living or dead, who would it be and why?
Einstein, just to explore his mind’s process.
What’s your favorite local event that you go to?
Tuesday nights in Old Town Roseville.
What’s your favorite local business other than your own?
If you could be any other profession what would be?
And finally, customer service is…?
Talking to someone in person, listening to their needs and providing a solution that does not necessarily include going to some Web site.