Introducing...Energetic Care
Nov 02, 2009 08:46AM ● By Wendy Sipple
Photo by Dante Fontana
Describe your business. Did you find it, or did it find you?
Energetic Care Pilates & Yoga Studio and Wellness Center is newly expanded and helps people to bring vitality and peace to their body, emotions, mind and spirit through the many classes, programs and services we offer. Our studio classes are small, so whether you are a beginner or an advanced student – we provide you with individualized attention to bring your practice to the next level. Our wellness center features experienced massage therapists, health and wellness coaches, and an acupuncturist – all of who offer the best in healing arts.
What was your vision when you first started your business, and what is it now?
My vision has always been to assist others in their healing and fitness process through yoga, Pilates, dance and massage therapy healing arts. This new studio is an expansion of that original vision. In our mission, Energetic Care is committed to creating an educational, caring and loving environment that supports and inspires greater health, healing, well being and goodness through our classes and health care services with the aspiration that this goodness be extended to our families, friends and greater community.
What is the best part of doing business in this community?
My clients and the other business owners in this community have been very supportive and inspiring. The people who I have attracted to my practice have all been amazing people, both to me and in their commitment to improving their own lives.
How are you involved with both the community and your customer?
When I assist my customers to find greater health and well-being, that goodness naturally flows out into the community as well. I also donate my time and services to many community fundraisers and events.
Why is your staff the best in the business?
All practitioners and teachers at Energetic Care are experienced and devoted to their specialty. Each one brings with them a special gift of healing.
What is the best thing about being the boss?
I enjoy collaborating with and supporting others to be, and do, their best. As the owner I am able to create a positive and caring environment.
And finally, customer service is…?
Customer service is listening with a loving and open heart and providing quality instruction, guidance and service.