Introducing...BU-TI makeup artistry
Aug 04, 2009 04:52PM ● By Wendy Sipple
Photo by Dante Fontana.
Describe your business.
I offer a custom look that fits each one of my clients, including: skin typing, personal make up shopping, airbrushing, body painting, color face charting and makeup application instruction. I also use a wide variety of cosmetic lines to suit individual needs. I can teach you how to duplicate a 15-minute face or recreate a glamour pin-up look. With makeup, the possibilities are endless.
What was your vision when you first started your business, and what is it now?
My vision was to help women look good but more importantly help them feel good. When a woman feels good about how she looks, she puts her best face forward to the world. Some women feel that cosmetics help them to cover up the imperfections on their face, and other women want to enhance facial features. I am currently working with Nora Finch at PURE skincare studio because I think how you take care of your skin is just as, if not more important, than what makeup you put on your skin.
What was your first job, and what did you learn from the experience?
My first REAL job was at a hospital making ER trays and cleaning surgical equipment. I quickly learned that I wanted to be self-employed at some point in my life. I learned a lot about who I really am; I accepted that I am a creative person and need to be in a place where I can create and think freely.
What is the best thing about being the boss?
I have the ability to think freely, to inspire others and be in total control of my own destiny. I get to push myself and meet new and interesting people everyday.
What life accomplishments are you most proud of?
Creating my business and helping people live their visions. In life your results will always match your true intentions. When you are truly passionate about something there is nothing that can keep you from it. You won’t have to try to put your attention on it, because it draws you irresistibly to it. Your vision needs to always be aligned with your heart’s deepest purpose.
Where do you go when the going gets tough?
To my boyfriend, the love of my life! He makes me want to be a better person; he understands and supports me unconditionally. He has the best sense of humor and makes me laugh all of the time…laughter will get you through anything.
And finally, customer service is…?
A lot of listening and less talking, along with identifying and anticipating needs. Customers don't buy products or services; they buy good feelings and solutions to problems. The more you know your customers, the better you become at anticipating their needs.
Do you know that our editorials are not paid for, nor can they be be purchased? In fact, our Introducing and Dining reviews are not paid advertisements. If you'd like your business profiled, please email Wendy at [email protected] and ask her to send you the Introducing Questionnaire. Once we determine when your business will be featured, we will contact you to schedule a time to come out and take a photograph. Thank you!