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Style Magazine

Student Spotlight

Apr 30, 2009 05:00PM ● By Super Admin

It’s May and many high school seniors are ready to leave home in a few short months to make their mark in the world. This month we feature a few from the “cream of the crop” in our local schools. They are armed with fresh ideas, unsurpassed book-smarts, and enough professional ambition to fill the Grand Canyon.
However, these students have more to offer than just good grades, they truly have the community in mind, and philanthropic goals are on their list to accomplish along with their degrees in various fields. So if you happen to be worried about the future of our society, let these students put your mind to rest.


In what capacity have you been, or are you currently active in community service, volunteerism, local causes and/or non-profit organizations?
I’ve been involved with Amor Ministries and YWAM (Youth With A Mission) organizations for over three years. I traveled to Tecate and Tijuana, Mexico with my youth group at Rolling Hills Christian Church to build houses for the poor. More recently I volunteered with YWAM and visited New Orleans, where we gutted Katrina-struck houses and assisted in homeless ministry.

How do you feel that volunteerism not only improves and strengthens the community, but also its citizens? How has it affected you personally?
I’m a strong believer that the dedication and hard work of a few can wholly benefit the community and its citizens. When you see community members, your neighbors, friends, family and peers getting involved in volunteer service and bettering the community, it just makes you want to be a part of it.

I feel my involvement in community service has been the main catalyst in transforming me into who I am today, and who I will be in years ahead. It has helped me realize my blessings and how fortunate I am on a daily basis. “You can have everything you want in the world, if you just help out enough people get what they want in the world.” –Zig Ziglar

What charities/causes are close to your heart and why?
I strongly admire the Big Brothers and Big Sisters organization, and the peer-counseling group at Oak Ridge High School. They both serve the purpose of “driving for a better tomorrow,” and I think that’s key in being a member of a community. As an aspiring entrepreneur, I model my business career and missions after Andrew Carnegie. He was a man who kept the welfare of the community in mind.

What’s one thing that not many people know about you?
I have a binder full of my goals and the steps I will take to achieve every single one of them. It includes things like making the “Top 25 Under 25 Entrepreneurs” list in Newsweek while in college, and even appearing on TIME as the “Man of the Year.”

Tim’s Post-High-School Plan: Attend Babson College near Boston, MA to pursue a career as an entrepreneur.

To read more about other local seniors in our Student Spotlight, be sure to pick up this month's copy of Style – Folsom, El Dorado Hills edition. Check out the Distribution tab on this Web site for some of our newsstand locations. Or, to order a copy of this issue, please email  [email protected], or call 916-988-9888.