Ask the Expert: Human Foods that are good/bad for dogs, and why.

The Doggie Bag
1070 Pleasant Grove Boulevard, Roseville,
Q: Which human foods are good/bad for dogs, and why?
A: A diverse diet for your dog, including fresh human food, is incredibly beneficial for their health and longevity. Just as for humans, blueberries, carrots, bell peppers, cantaloupe, and broccoli are full of antioxidants; anti-inflammatory properties are found in pineapple, green beans, and strawberries. Adding various proteins (raw or cooked beef, chicken, duck, turkey, etc.) to your dog’s bowl is quick and healthy. Eggs are often called the perfect protein, because they contain all the amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that dogs need. Some of the worst human foods for dogs are processed foods, such as chips/pretzels, white bread, deli meat, and bacon, because of additives, salt, oils, and fat, all of which can cause pancreatitis. Other harmful and toxic foods forFido include grapes and raisins, chocolate, onions (raw and in large amounts), whole fruit with seeds or pits, and cooked bones, which can splinter or cause a blockage.

—Melissa LeWeck, Manager
by Bella Nolen
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