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Last Updated: May 31, 2008 05:00PM • Subscribe via RSSATOM

Leslie Anne Webb

May 31, 2008 05:00PM ● By Super Admin

“At the age of three, I painted the perfect rendition of the horse as I saw him: spiritual, majestic and vividly colorful,” says Leslie Anne Webb. And, she recounts, “horses had captured my heart with their beauty, their grace, and the language of their soul.” She knew even then that humans and animals had a strong emotional connection. By the age of 11, she had painted a mural of running horses framing her bedroom allowing her to feel their beauty surround her.Although college days may have led her astray from her core heart’s desire to focus on animals, after completing her Master’s in Psychology, Webb befriended a lady that introduced her to the United Pegasus Foundation. This drew her to meet rescued foals, and it was then that Webb knew she was going to invite horses back into her life and never let go again.Through spending time with the horses, Webb describes a strong human-animal connection that we can all experience if we just open our minds to the possibility. “All animals are teachers or healers,” she says.Webb has been an artist and painter her entire life, and now lives on a private ranch in Grass Valley with her three dogs, cat and five horses. Webb credits her mother, a current artist, and her grandmothers who were artists, for her creative and artistic abilities. Webb is working to become certified in equine guided education and looks to teacher and mentor Ariana Strozzi for inspiration. The equine guided educator strives to reconnect and heal people by utilizing the horse as the mediator. The Equine Guided Education Association (EGEA) supports the horse as a guide in human growth and development. Currently, Webb is practicing her equine work with her own horses as well as helping to build relationships with clients and their horses. Her focus is on the dynamics of developing a relationship between horse and human. Webb says that, “today, my work still reflects the deep connection I have for these majestic animals, and the vivid colors [in my paintings] portray the brightly energetic personalities they exude. Most of the horses I paint are those rescued by United Pegasus Foundation and other rescue organizations.”Webb believes that horses can bring us to the present moment, and she describes the power of accepting that gift from her subjects. She says, “it is through knowing these horses that I find my greatest inspiration, for to stand and hug a horse, encompassing the awe of their strength and gentle nature at the same moment, leaves one utterly breathless. It is in this moment that we tend to take a deeper breath than normal, finding our rhythm slowing down to match that of our furry companion. For it is in the presence of horses that we remember who we are.” Webb and one of her horses, Oscar, are going to be attending the Cal Expo Western State Horse Expo, June 6 through June 8. Webb revels at how well their personalities match. To see Webb’s collection and learn more about her, visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. For more information on equine guided education, check out <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. •

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Style Magazine
Local Area tidbits

May 31, 2008 05:00PM ● By Super Admin

Summer’s here, can you feel it? We certainly can! Though some of us have already planned what we’re going to do this summer, there are some of you out there who just aren’t sure, or don’t know where to begin the planning. Well, look no further folks! The cities of Roseville and Rocklin have their 2008 Summer Recreation Guides online and ready to give you plenty of ideas on how to get the most out of this summer season. Featuring plenty of activities, aquatics events, day camps and more, these guides will aid you in your quest to combat the summer couch potato syndrome. For Roseville, visit <a href="" target=" blank"></a>, and for Rocklin, visit…Speaking of aquatics and swimming, we congratulate the Aquatics Division of the Parks and Recreation Department of Roseville for receiving the 2008 National Excellence in Aquatics Award! Having demonstrated excellence in the organization and administration of diversified aquatics services, Roseville is the only city in its class to receive this award. Way to go Roseville!...A big kudos is in order for some local Rotarians who never miss a chance to help out. In fact, it appears that these two chaps don’t miss much of anything...We tip our hats to the Rotary Club of Roseville’s David Fiddyment and John Piches, for completing 60 years of membership with perfect attendance and for their nomination for the Senior Volunteer(s) of the Year award in the Sacramento region. No other Rotary club worldwide in the 100 year-plus history of Rotary International can lay claim to this achievement…Here’s another cause for celebration, the Keaton Raphael Memorial of Roseville celebrated its 10th anniversary on April 30! Maybe a little belated, but happy anniversary! The care and support that they provide for local children and their families is an inspiration to all, and an excellent service to humanity. And, more news on the donation and philanthropic front…Lakemont Homes, the builder of the newest Eskaton Villages (multi-service retirement communities) located in Roseville and Placerville, donated a high-grade carpet to the Sierra II Senior Center on 24th Street in Curtis Park. Though this isn’t strictly local news, it’s always good to see a company that has worked locally to engage in philanthropic endeavors. A new carpet was what the center needed, and Lakemont delivered. Lakemont, we commend you!...The 2008 Notes on Boats event, brought to you by Catalina 22 Fleet 4 along with the Folsom Yacht Club, both non-profit organizations, will be taking place on June 14 in New York Cove on Folsom Lake. If you’ve got a sailboat or powerboat, or just want to see something cool, bring some snacks and enjoy this “music on the water day.” The proceeds from the event will go to Fleet 4 and their Big & Little Brothers & Sisters of Sacramento Sail Day event. Check out the full details at last, but certainly not least, the long-awaited grand opening of Fountains at Roseville is finally upon us. Don’t miss the grand opening on June 30!...Until next issue, be sure to get off the couch, get outside and have fun… but stay cool! •Do you have newsworthy tidbits for our What's Up column? Send it to us at [email protected].

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Get To Know...

May 31, 2008 05:00PM ● By Super Admin

Davey “Doc” Wiser is a charming Placerville resident and icon. For 31 years he has been involved with the Highway 50 Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to recreating the early pioneer days designed for horse and wagon enthusiasts. The 59th Annual Wagon Train event, featuring California and Nevada’s oldest authentic wagon train, includes travels across California and Nevada. Davey loves to have a good time driving his stagecoach and riding the Pony Express, which yes, still runs deliveries for the right price. Davey even offers free stagecoach rides for the community, on select dates. He is very involved in the heart of Placerville by volunteering at local fundraisers. He loves chocolate candy (See’s to be exact!) with Madera wine and the calamari at Dante’s on the River. Don’t look for him online; when asked for his email address he replied, “I don’t have that, I’m just an old cowboy.” It’s great to see there are still folks with that good old-fashioned philosophy who can have just as much fun (maybe more, to hear Davey’s stories) without modern luxuries. For more information about the 59th Annual Highway 50 historic event, visit For more on Davey "Doc" Wiser, be sure to pick up this month's copy of FoothillStyle. Click on the "Get Your Copy" link on the bottom of this page for some of our newsstand locations. Or, to order a copy of this issue, please email Gloria Schroeder at [email protected], or call her at 916-988-9888 x116.

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