Curb Cravings
Sep 30, 2008 05:00PM
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Super Admin
In this sluggish housing market, we know that buyers can afford to be
choosy. The slightest thing can make all the difference to a homebuyer
these days. So if you’re looking to sell, or simply to do your part to
make your neighborhood a little snazzier, improving your curb appeal is
just the thing to do.Erin Attardi, Executive Associate Realtor
for Lyon Real Estate has sold many homes in Roseville and Folsom areas.
“Buyers make an emotional connection with the home they ultimately
purchase and want to see themselves living there,” she says. “If a
buyer is turned off by the home’s exterior appearance, they immediately
think that [it is a] reflection of the interior’s condition.”The
exterior may be the last thing on a seller’s priority list of updates
to be made before putting their home on the market, but the importance
of curb appeal should not be underestimated. “I have had buyers in my
car ask me to keep driving when we have pulled up to a home with an
unkempt front yard. The interior could have been spotless, but those
buyers would have never known,” Attardi adds.With so many more
homes that on the market that meet a buyer’s specifications, enhanced
curb appeal could give your home an edge over those that are not as
appealing upon first glance.Rest assured, though, there are
several things a homeowner can do to improve the first impression of
potential buyers. If you have no idea where to start, the experts
suggest figuring out a budget first. “Creating a master plan will allow
you to phase the work as time and your budget will allow,” explains
Jeff Ambrosia, principal at Yamasaki Landscape Architects in Auburn. “A
licensed landscape contractor can walk you through the process and help
you anticipate your needs and desires. They will then put this
information to paper and create a set of landscape construction
documents that will allow you successfully send your project out to bid
to contractors,” Ambrosia says.If you’re more inclined to
do-it-yourself projects, cleaning up your home’s exterior doesn’t need
to be a chore. According to Debby Evans, owner and principal designer
of Folsom’s Debby Evans Garden Designs, “If you will be doing the work
yourself, there are many worthy Websites and periodicals that
illustrate how to spruce up a garden. The Master Gardener Association
of Sacramento County is very helpful,” she says.The easiest
approach? Prune overgrown trees and shrubs, pull the weeds, and mow and
edge the lawn. As trivial as that may seem, simple yard maintenance can
make a tremendous difference in attracting buyers and make a good first
impression. Kiel Myers, owner and president of Myers Landscape, Inc. in
Folsom suggests updating the look of the yard. “Many yards that are
overgrown and/or outdated can be spruced up with a clean up, new plant
selections, and new bark mulch,” he says. Plus clearing and trimming
allows more light to shine in the yard, which helps to give off an
airy, bright, welcoming feeling to visitors and potential buyers.Some
other easy fixes: power-wash the driveway, front walkways, and front
siding of your home. Plant colorful flowers, replace existing exterior
lights with new, contemporary fixtures on either side of the garage and
on the front porch near the door. Consider adding landscape lighting to
accent all your hard work. And of course, if time allows, a fresh coat
of paint couldn’t hurt. With a little effort, increasing your curb appeal can be an easy, effective way to give your home the edge it needs to sell.
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