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Last Updated: Nov 30, 2008 04:00PM • Subscribe via RSSATOM

Family Philanthropy

Nov 30, 2008 04:00PM ● By Super Admin

Each day, hundreds in our community receive a helping hand from volunteers who understand that supporting others is truly one of life’s greatest pleasures.Yet the delicate balance between ongoing needs and the resources available to help can easily be upset. As we witness in today’s challenging economy, more and more people are being forced into a position of hardship. At the same time, local charities are reporting a decline in private and corporate donations, and fewer volunteers as well.As a result of an increased push in volunteerism to support our overtaxed community services system, local families are finding that volunteering together can be as rewarding for them as it is life-changing for those they help.Helping Others is a Family AffairVolunteering as a family can be a meaningful, shared experience that brings families closer together as well as teaches both children and parents valuable life lessons about empathy, diversity and social responsibility.Lending a hand to those less fortunate can also help the entire family appreciate how blessed they are to have simple luxuries such as shelter, food, clothing and good health.Encouraging family philanthropy is the goal of Hands for Hope, a youth-driven outreach program started in March by El Dorado Hills mom Jennifer Bassett. The group, now 75 kids (and families) strong, works with Powerhouse Ministries in Folsom, as well as local schools and food banks to meet various community needs.Bassett hopes the program’s immediate and growing popularity will have a long-term impact on local families. “The benefit of getting these young kids involved is that they will grow up with compassion for others,” she says.“We are helping raise a generation of children who are already inspired by knowing what they can do to make a difference. Volunteering will just be a part of their lives.”For more family volunteering resources be sure to pick up this month's copy of FoothillStyle. Check out the Distribution tab on this Web site for some of our newsstand locations. Or, to order a copy of this issue, please email Gloria Schroeder at [email protected], or call her at 916-988-9888 x116

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Christmas Music

Nov 30, 2008 04:00PM ● By Super Admin

I  can handle stores breaking out Christmas decorations in September. I’m okay with the crass commercialism that permeates the season like the over-scented candles at a holiday craft fair. I don’t mind trading paint with other shoppers in the crowded Galleria parking lot on random weekends in December. But the one thing I cannot stand at this time of year, that sets my teeth on edge and drops me to my knees begging for mercy from the sweet manger-baby Himself is…Paul McCartney’s “Wonderful Christmas Time.”Don’t get me wrong. I like Paul McCartney. I absolutely appreciate his place in the pantheon of popular music. His work with the Beatles is unassailable, as is much of his solo work (“Say, Say, Say” excluded). But, as sure as even supermodels pass gas, music geniuses too, are capable of occasional noxiousness and sometimes you have to crack a window. Just hearing those first cloying synthesizer notes… “bow-ow-ow-ow…dow-ow-ow-ow-ow,” makes me want to shake my fist at a mall Santa and kick his elves in the shins. Why? Let’s take a look.  The lyrics. “The moon is right, the spirits up, we’re here tonight and that’s enough, simply having a wonderful Christmas time.” Really? That’s the best you could do? You’re the guy who gave us, “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make!” But these “Christmas” lyrics…they have all the depth of a wading pool. And notice, Sir Paul gets to the chorus so quickly, it’s as though he knew it was a dreadful plunge best taken as soon as possible. The lack of passion. McCartney wanders through the vocals like he’s talking to someone who he’s not quite interested in. I picture him thumbing through a Lands’ End catalog while he was recording this.  The melody. It’s catchy...kind of like pink eye. “Siiiimply…haaavving… awonderfulchristmastime,” is repeated over and over like there’s a terrible skip in the record. But there isn’t. He meant to do that to us. It worms its way into the living room of your brain, lays itself out on the couch and starts ordering movies.  The frequency of play. When the Muzak at Arden Fair or Sunrise Mall switches over to all-Christmas on the day after Thanksgiving, the relentless onslaught begins. On soft rock radio stations around the country, “Wonderful Christmas Time” gets scheduled more often than commercials for the Shane Company. The disturbing fact is, it gets played a lot for a reason: there are those who walk among us who actually enjoy the song. I believe these are the same people who take an hour to back out of a space in a busy mall parking lot.  In the nearly four minutes that this song is allowed to breathe, I can completely understand John Lennon’s issues with Paul.For the record (no pun intended), I am not a Christmas music-hater. I love “The Christmas Song,” and “White Christmas.” I will hum, if not sing along to “Jingle Bells,” “Frosty the Snowman,” and “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” I think Martina Mcbride’s interpretation of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” is among the most beautiful sounds ever offered to the human ear.  And that ultimately is the point. There are thousands of other songs more worthy, more deserving of a spin than “A Wonderful Christmas Time” – including the “Jingle Cats,” the “Barking Dogs,” and “Grandma Got Run Over by Reindeer” (but just barely). And so I beg the Chai-tea-sipping program directors of soft rock stations and Muzak to please, in this season of mercy, have a little on us. Help make it a truly wonderful Christmas time and stop playing that song. And when “those people” call to complain that it isn’t being played? Be polite, but please suggest that perhaps the best thing they could do is to simply hang up and finish backing out of their parking stall.Catch Tom on the Pat and Tom Morning Show on New Country 105.1.

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John Running

Nov 30, 2008 04:00PM ● By Super Admin

Throughout studios in New York, on the left bank of Paris, in the lofts of Los Angeles and even among the hills of northern California, artists struggle each and every day to pursue their passion and create great art – art that often does not sell. The story of the struggling artist is a common one, told even of the most celebrated artists of our time.But some artists, like John Running, share a rare story of success. Perhaps it’s because of his business savvy from spending 18 years working in the family business, his determination, or perhaps, it’s his ability to create relevant, appealing art that people want right when they see it. Whatever the reason, Running’s work sells. He spends many a day in the comfort of his studio overlooking the pine trees of Placerville, toiling away at his rock and metal creations and, to his great fortune, pursuing that which he loves. “I create art every day, and I enjoy it every day. To me, going to work is like vacation,” says Running, and adds that he’s been making art his whole life. “I grew up in a creative family with creative things always going on around me. My parents owned a screen printing business…eventually, though, I wanted to pursue art full time, so I bought my own studio,” he says.And in that studio, Running found great success through creating unique pieces made of rock and metal. He designs and creates small, affordable pieces so that everyone can appreciate his art, but he also makes large, one-of-a-kind pieces for those who want to make a bigger statement. And what’s the inspiration for his work? “Anything can spark inspiration…driving down the road, sitting on the beach; I like nature and creating pieces that reflect [it],” says Running. He also attributes some of his inspiration and success to the support of his wife and four children. “Thankfully, galleries just keep re-ordering what I make. I’ve had a good following, and I think that it’s due to the [my] business background – it helped me understand how to market my work,” he says. Local galleries featuring Running’s art include the James Harold Gallery in Tahoe City, Rocky’s in Placerville, Fine Eye Gallery in Sutter Creek, and Full Circle Gallery in Jackson. Now the question is: Does Running ever feels that his defining style will stifle further creativity? He says no. “I’m fortunate that I have a product, the rock and metal pieces, to keep me busy. While I’m in production with the daily pieces, my mind is free to be creative and I’m always developing new ideas. Then, when my work is complete, I can step away and work on a more inspired piece.”So what’s next for John Running? He’s decided to transition away from rocks and is beginning to work solely with metal. Whatever this artist gives us next, expect that the pieces will not only be distinctive, but they’ll likely be best sellers, too.

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Lincoln Binky Patrol

Nov 30, 2008 04:00PM ● By Super Admin

The sheer number of people struggling financially these days overshadows the very pressing fact that countless more fight to survive every day – in good times and bad. Many of them are among our community’s youngest citizens, some of who go to sleep cold and alone. Comforting area kids is the goal of the Lincoln Binky Patrol. The nonprofit, whose mission is to reach out to needy children, including those who are HIV-positive, drug-addicted, neglected, abused or traumatized, delivers volunteer-crafted blankets (or “binkies”) to area recipients, providing them with warmth and security.  Finished blankets are distributed via area hospitals, shelters and social service agencies, and are given as gifts, not recycled by the agencies that receive them.Binky Patrol’s Sacramento Area Coordinator, Terrie Madruga, became involved with the organization after a quilting class piqued her interest in crafting. After successfully quilting a blanket for her son, she searched for a charity that accepted homemade blankets and soon discovered Binky Patrol, which was started in southern California by Susan Roush with only five volunteers. Today, the nonprofit claims 3,000 volunteers nationwide. Madruga and a few friends started the local chapter of the Lincoln Binky Patrol in September 2004, to fulfill Roush’s promise to assist others without an overabundance of rules and regulations, so that each Binky Patrol chapter is able to learn from the success of its sister affiliates, thereby growing the organization and generating positive local reception about its efforts. Mission accomplished! Despite its recent beginnings, Lincoln Binky Patrol “blanketeers” have donated more than 600 finished blankets to area recipients. Although that number clearly reflects success, the organization is not immune to persistent funding challenges that nonprofits face. Madruga admits that “sometimes just getting it all done” is the accomplishment. Still, Lincoln Binky Patrol is undeterred in its commitment to assist the underserved. To help fund operation and material costs, the organization accepts monetary donations (preferably gift cards) and also hosts fund-raising events and area supply drives at outlets such as Jo-Ann’s Fabrics. Though challenges exist, so do rewards. Madruga says, “These children go through a difficult time and someone who does not even know them makes a blanket to comfort them” she says. “When they are airlifted from the hospital the blanket eases their fears. When they receive chemotherapy, the blanket keeps them warm and is bright in a normally sterile area. I am proud of those whom give so that others can feel comfort.”Madruga’s current goal is to expand the Lincoln chapter. And because “blanketeers” are of all ages, there is plenty of opportunity to get involved. “We are a nonprofit that runs basically on quilting, crocheting and fleece, ‘blanketeers’ often use their own materials,” Madruga says. “It is a simple thing to do that gives so much joy to the recipients. No matter how big or how small your blanket is, there is a need.”To contact Terrie Madruga or Lincoln Binky Patrol, call 916-276-3537 or visit

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Boys and Girls Club

Nov 30, 2008 04:00PM ● By Super Admin

The Boys and Girls Club of El Dorado County Western Slope (BGCE), a nonprofit affiliated with the Boys and Girls Club of America, offers area youth a safe and encouraging after-school environment, in turn extending them an opportunity to become civically involved in their communities and their futures, which might be considerably less bright without the support that the organization provides.With a mission “To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens,” BGCE opened its first club in 1999, five years after the idea was first hatched by a group of concerned community members. Using the template for policy creation architected by the national Boys and Girls Club, BGCE is partially funded with federal, state and/or private foundation grants, but the majority of monies is received through fund-raising events, individual and corporate contributions.Duane Wallace, executive director of BGCE, says that by helping to prevent juvenile crime, the organization provides a cost and societal benefit to the community. “It costs in excess of $50,000 per year to have a juvenile in the justice system,” he says. “The numbers tell the story. Forty percent of our club members live in economically disadvantaged circumstances and qualify for free or reduced lunch programs at school. Well over 50 percent live in single parent households. The isolation some kids feel can have tragic results when they are exposed to drugs, gangs and violence.”Since its formation, BGCE, which serves children ages 6-18, has established clubs in Cameron Park at Pleasant Grove Middle School, in Pollock Pines at Emigrant Trail School and in Placerville at the Armory, where there is also a teen center. A fourth site in Georgetown is slated to open soon, and possibly, a future teen center. All facilities implement a “Youth Development Strategy,” which, according to Wallace, is a program created to “actively engage youth in positive activities and programs that build friendships, character, life skills and leadership.”  BGCE also offers programs in five core areas: Character and Leadership Development, Education and Career Development, Health and Life Skills, Arts, and Sports/Fitness and Recreation. In addition, gender specific and excursion programs are offered as well as a “Power Hour,” during which time club members are required to complete one hour of homework. “Grades are significantly improved as a result of our emphasis on homework,” Wallace says. “The reported graduation rate in California overall is 70 percent. [The] Boys and Girls Club, nationally, has a 90 percent graduation rate.” Membership dues for these trailblazing programs are just $12 per year. During summer, however, when the club is opened from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily programs are offered on a sliding scale, up to $10 daily.    “We are your community club for kids,” Wallace says. “It just takes one person to make a difference in the life of a child.For more information or to get involved, call the Boys and Girls Club of El Dorado County Western slope at 530-295-8019, or visit

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Local Area Tidbits

Nov 30, 2008 04:00PM ● By Super Admin

If you’re looking for something to do indoors this winter, check out the Folsom History Museum’s fall exhibit, “From Garden to Jar,” (a partnership with the UC Davis Cooperative Extension) will run through January 4, 2009.  Artifacts, photos and information will be available on a variety of subjects relating to the life and benefits of locally grown foods...And while you’re there, stop in the Museum Gift Shop for that perfect gift or stocking stuffer. The shop is open Tuesday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m...Or, if you’re thinking of becoming more active in the community, sign up for docent training and volunteer as an educational museum docent. Call Gaynell Wald at 916-985-2707 or email [email protected] for more information...The El Dorado Hills Library is launching new adult programs! A speaker, demonstration, music or dance will be featured on the first Wednesday of every month. Call 916-358-3503 for more information...December 5 is the Folsom Community Holiday Tree Lighting, and this year there will be an ice skating rink!..Congratulations to the Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites in El Dorado Hills on receiving the InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) 2008 Torchbearer Award – a prestigious industry award...Purchase your Christmas tree and celebrate the holiday season with goodies, wreaths, poinsettias and free hot apple cider at Green Valley Nursery, 334 Green Valley Road in El Dorado Hills. Kids can decorate and take home their own potted mini-Christmas tree! Call 916-941-0401 for more information...Tune in to ABC TV on Christmas Day where you’ll see Center Stage Dance Academy of El Dorado Hills’ Compani Danzerz performing in the Disney Holiday Spectacular Parade...The Make-A-Wish Foundation of Sacramento and Northeastern California broke ground on November 10 for one of the nation’s first “Wishing Places.” The building will provide Wish children with a place to plan and celebrate their wishes, and will serve as the central location for staff, volunteers, children and their families to convene...The Folsom Garden Club recently changed its meeting place to the Elks’ Lodge on Reading Street in Folsom. They meet on the first Thursday of the month at 10 a.m., although in lieu of December’s meeting, they will be having a Christmas Party; January’s meeting has been moved to the second Thursday. Visit for more information...And last but certainly lost least, since we love getting feedback from our readers, we would like to invite you to a Reader’s Appreciation Lunch to discuss your likes and dislikes. Send an email to [email protected] and let us know if you’d like to join us for good food and conversation in the near future...Check back next month for our annual Health & Wellness feature!Send your news to [email protected].

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Nov 30, 2008 04:00PM ● By Super Admin

If I had just one day to spend in your town, what should I do?” This has become one of my favorites questions. I ask it in restaurants and hotels. It’s fun in supermarkets too. Gas stations. Parties. Wherever locals gather, there my question goes. I asked it of a table server in Loomis. She couldn’t think of anything to do in her town. I asked it in my own town, which is filled with fun things to do. “Go to the movies,” I was told.A few years ago I attended the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesboro, Tennessee. Each October 10,000 people spend a weekend in this small town listening to professional storytellers. But when I posed "the question" to a clerk at the grocery store there, she was stumped. (Pause. Frown.) “I’d go to a different town.”Last spring while in Epcot Center at Walt Disney World, a melting pot and perfect place for my question,  I saw a friendly-looking Frenchman in front of the replica of the Pont Neuf bridge. I asked, “If I was in Paris for one day, what should I do?” He lost his friendly look. What kind of idiot goes to Paris and only spends one day? (He didn’t say this, but I know he thought it.) What he said was, “How can you go to Paris and only spend one day? That’s impossible.” When I agreed it was truly impossible, he relented too. He said, “I’d go to the Champs Elysees.” I was making progress. So I extended the time frame, “What if I actually had two days?” He thought and replied, “I’d do the Champs Elysees again!” Thank you, Mister Creativity.All right, now, bring it home. What if I asked my question of you? If I had one day in our town, what should I do? Do you know? Do you have an answer? Very often I hear from teenage kids that there is nothing to do in their home city. Their town is boring. Their town might not be the dark edge of the universe, but you can see it from there. Somehow we’re not helping our kids to be creative, or think creatively. Now, it might be too late to inspire the teenagers. But what could be done to help our younger children to think creatively about their hometown? I’d start by asking them my question. And keep on asking it until they grow up into creative, visionary human beings who love living on this fascinating planet. This question also opens the door for family experiences, getting out together and experiencing what is taken for granted in our backyards.Brad Franklin is the founding pastor at  Lakeside Church in Folsom. To contact him visit, or check out his blog at

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Local Area Tidbits

Nov 30, 2008 04:00PM ● By Super Admin

Hurry and take in the sights of unique holiday wreaths that will line Vernon Street in downtown Roseville from December 5 through the 31st. Visit for more information…Every first Friday of the month from 3 to 7 p.m., Sims Recycling, Inc. offers a free drop-off site for old electronic items such as TVs, monitors, PCs and printers. Visit for a link to the recycling form. Drop-off site is located at 8855 Washington Blvd. in Roseville...Head to Basic, 112 Pacific Street in Roseville for Wine Tasting with Winemaker Justin Boeger, December 4, from 6 to 8 p.m. Visit for more information... Local artists Gini Crepps Mitchell and Deb McSherry will be exhibiting their artwork at the Rocklin Library Community Room through December 6. Both are award-winning artists and members of Rocklin Fine Arts, Roseville Arts and Placer Arts Council. For more information, contact MaryAnn Perolio at 916-624-7526…Leave the kids with Dad and grab the girlfriends for Ladies Night Out at A Dash of Panache! Accessorize in the Vanity Closet, eat great food (dessert is a must) and play games. Admission is $25 per person. Call 916-788-4FUN or email < a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected] for reservations…Keep in mind, you will be stranded if you’re waiting for Roseville transit on December 25. Roseville Transit Fixed Route, Dial-A-Ride and Commuter services will not be in operation on Christmas Day…The City of Roseville will grace its float at the 120th Rose Parade in 2009! The Parks & Recreation Department is hosting three and four-night bus trips to southern California for the event, departing on December 29 and 30. For more information and pricing, call 916-774-5950…Roseville’s own Lori Melin, co-owner of bridal boutique PW Jitters, appeared on Oprah via Skype Webcam on November 22! Melin was able to question Suze Orman about kids’ allowances…Every third Friday, a free travelogue is held at the Maidu Community Center in Roseville. World traveler Arne Kalma offers a slide and video presentation of a choice travel spot. Call 916-774-5961 for more information...On December 6, the Kiwanis Club of Rocklin will host its annual shopping spree for over 100 pre-selected local children. The Rocklin Fire Dept. will bring Santa to Kmart on a fire engine, and provide each child with a gift card to spend as they wish. For more information or to volunteer, call 916-276-3343…There’s a new place in town! Design Well, Live Well Interior Design & Eco-Boutique just opened its doors – and our eyes – to a new kind of living. The shop is located at 937 Lincoln Way in Auburn, and features reclaimed, recycled and re-purposed furniture, home decor, accessories, handbags, jewelry, candles and more...Since we love getting feedback from our readers, we would like to invite you to a Style Reader’s Appreciation Lunch to discuss your likes and dislikes. Send our editor an email at [email protected] and let us know if you’d like to join us for lunch in the near future…That’s all for now, but check back next month for our annual Health & Wellness issue!Send your news to [email protected].

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