Ask The Expert: Jim Snooks, Co-Owner & President of Snooks Candies and Chocolate Factory

Snooks Candies and Chocolate Factory
731 Sutter Street, Folsom, 916-985-0620,

Q: What are the characteristics of confectionery caramel?
A: Caramel is created by cooking milk solids with sugar and corn syrup. Every recipe has different characteristics like smoothness, tenderness, chewiness, and color. Confectionery caramel (what you'll find at Snooks)—with a higher percentage of milk solids (cream, evaporated milk, butter)—has a higher risk of scorching, but if properly cooked, features a softer, more tender finish with a stand-up quality. Reducing the milk solids in caramel causes it to settle to a blob, unless cooked to a higher temperature; it will also be much chewier and less flavorful but have a longer shelf life.

—Jim Snooks, Co-Owner & President
by Caitlin Emmett
Jim Snooks photo by Shoop's Photography. Caramel photo ©Fotograf -