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Style Magazine

In Good Taste—Restaurant Redesign

Omakase Por Favor is a unique restaurant in Lincoln that blends the experience of a Japanese raw bar with traditional coastal Mexican cuisine. Founder and Executive Chef Jeana Marie Pecha personally guides guests, creating customized seafood platters to satisfy their cravings. The restaurant’s open kitchen, which is a central feature, allows patrons to observe the culinary process.

Pecha’s goal for redesigning her restaurant’s interior was for her guests to feel welcome and have an exciting dining experience. To bring this ambience to life, Pecha hired Tami Teel of Tami Teel Designs ( for the project.

The timeline was four to six months, and Teel’s biggest hurdle was staying within budget. “I would show my ultimate selection [to Pecha] and we would then come up with a close alternative that was within the respective allocations for the project.”

Pecha’s vision was for her restaurant to be “authentic and inviting, since there are intimate chef interactions,” Teel says. “Jeana is well-traveled so evoking a pop of Aztek color was important, [as was having] her [ample use] of spices meet the eyes on a focal design wall feature. The back wall mural captures the essence of that vibe.”

Once Teel was signed on for the project, she was eager to get to know Pecha to better inform her design process. “I enjoy getting to know my clients and learning [about] their lifestyle, in order to ensure the end design is comforting to them while still stepping outside the box,” Teel says. “Once I learn about them and their desired goal, I begin with the statement—either a wall, lighting, flooring, or a piece of furniture that is edgy—and begin designing around that...once I place my eye on color and shape balance, I ensure my scale fits the space, and then I present to my clients.”

After the textured mural colors with the pop of metallic was finalized, Teel turned her focus to textiles. “The fabrics came into play for the custom bench seating and leather chairs; I feel those two statements help anchor [the space] and also add a unique vibe,” she says.

The design process was collaborative between Teel and Pecha throughout the project. “Jeana was very involved on a daily basis, and once the lighting was turned on and the furniture was in place, she gushed with excitement,” Teel recalls. “My client spends more time in her restaurant than at home, so I was thrilled that she loved it!”

Pecha says she was thoroughly impressed by the restaurant’s interior reveal. “Despite being situated in a suburban strip mall, stepping inside transports you to a chic, big city eatery,” she says. “The moment you enter, it feels like you’ve completely left Lincoln behind. This transformation was exactly what I was hoping for.”

Tami Teel and Jeana Marie Pecha

The mutual respect and admiration between Teel and Pecha are undeniable. “Tami was a pleasure to work with at every stage,” Pecha says. “She pushed me beyond my initial vision to create an incredible design—coordinating multiple independent artists and fostering various collaborations within the restaurant. I eagerly look forward to working with her again on future projects.”

Teel reciprocates the adoration. “I’m so thankful to love what I do for my career in interior design. This was a passion project. I’m amazed by what Jeana creates for people and was so grateful to be a part of her dream!” 

by Kourtney Jason
photos by Holly Daley Photography