Spring Into Wellness: Tips to Stay Healthy This Season
Mar 29, 2023 11:30AM ● By Melissa StrandAs you’re scrubbing floorboards and clearing closets to bring an external sense of renewal and calm this spring, give your mind, body, and soul a good cleansing as well. We asked area experts on the best ways to bring more sunshine into your life this season.
Get Connected
“Find a support system that will encourage you to stay on track with your [fitness] goals. Whether it's a group of friends, your workout buddies, or family, let others know about what you’re trying to accomplish.”—Jamie Ellsworth, Head Coach, FIIT Nation El Dorado Hills, fiitnation.comDeclutter
“Clearing out physical clutter helps bring mental clarity and focus and decreases dust build-up, which can help reduce allergy and asthma symptoms. Start with one desk drawer or an area of a room and build from there.”—Sara Aghamohammadi, MD, Chief Wellness Officer, UC Davis Health, health.ucdavis.edu
Let’s Go!
“Moving your body and challenging your muscles is empowering. You build self-confidence, improve your long-term health, reduce stress and risk of injury, and feel better overall. Find a program that excites you, and get moving.” —Jamie Ellsworth, Head Coach, FIIT Nation El Dorado Hills, fiitnation.com
Small Changes = Big Rewards
“A small change in your diet can improve your health and help the environment, too. Substitute half a serving of processed meat and beef per day with an equal caloric value of nuts, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and low-environmental-impact seafood for nutritional health gains and 33% carbon footprint reductions. Consistently maintaining small changes to your dietary habits is less mentally and physically taxing than revamping your entire diet.”—Sara Aghamohammadi, MD, Chief Wellness Officer, UC Davis Health, health.ucdavis.edu
Choose Healthy Alternatives
“Eliminate or greatly reduce flour, sugar, and alcohol. Start small and make healthy swaps like drinking sparkling water instead of wine or beer. Your cholesterol and glucose levels will naturally decrease over time and hopefully prevent coronary artery and neurovascular disease.”—Aly V. Johnston, FNP-BC, Well by AM Nursing, Inc., wellbyamnursing.com
Take a “Snacktivity Break”
“New research shows exercise ‘snacks,’ which consist of brief spurts of exertion spread throughout the day, can improve metabolic health, raise endurance, and stave off some of the undesirable changes in our muscles that otherwise occur when we sit too long.”—Sara Aghamohammadi, MD, Chief Wellness Officer, UC Davis Health, health.ucdavis.edu
Sleep Hygiene
“Try not to look at a backlit screen for 45 minutes prior to falling asleep and change your pillowcases at least once a week. If you [still] have difficulty falling or staying asleep, fixing it may be as simple as hormone or neurotransmitter testing.”—Michele Wilkerson, ND, Revolutions Naturopathic, revolutionsdocs.com
Time for a Check Up
“Put a plan in place with your primary care physician to keep your quality of life at its maximum potential. An annual physical is an important part of that overall plan. Your doctor will provide a baseline so you can monitor how things change as you age. This knowledge and understanding of that baseline is what we all rely on to formulate a plan of care when you’re not feeling well.”—Sam Ceridon, MD, Marshall Family Medicine, marshallmedical.org
Mind Your Mind
“Try meditating outside in your yard or patio. Practice by looking at the sky, the trees and spring blossoms, and listening to the birds chirping. We’re often too busy or in a hurry to even notice these things, and it will bring you a sense of peace and lift your spirit. Even 5-10 minutes will make a difference in your day.”—Therese Sorrentino, LMFT, theresesorrentinomft.com
Increase Your H2O
“As the weather warms up and you become more active, it’s time to think about increasing your daily water intake. Staying hydrated improves physical performance and helps prevent fatigue, supports weight loss, boosts your mood, improves your brain power, prevents headaches, and protects against disease.”—Pamela Connor, Functional Nutritionist, Connor Wellness Clinic, connorwellnessclinic.com
Reach Out for Support
“There’s a difference between feeling sad sometimes and being depressed. Most of us get the blues from time to time, but if either depression or anxiety are interfering with your daily life, you should see a therapist. Cognitive behavioral therapy and learning some coping skills can be very helpful.”—Therese Sorrentino, LMFT, theresesorrentinomft.com
Less (Screen Time) is More
“Reduce screen time by 30 minutes and instead add 30 minutes of exercise—whether it’s going for a walk, bike ride, dancing in your living room, etc. Less screen time usually leads to more movement and interactions with others. Making social connections boosts your mood and improves your health on many levels.”—Pamela Connor, Functional Nutritionist, Connor Wellness Clinic, connorwellnessclinic.com
Carbs Are Your Companion
“We all know exercising is important, but eating carbs—potatoes, yams, rice, and pasta, along with fruits and vegetables—is also essential. As our primary source of energy (for body and brain), consuming them improves your overall physical and mental health. [Contrary to what many people think], they also don't make you gain weight—eating more calories than you burn does.”—David Greene, Nasm-CPT, PES, CES, One-On-One Fitness, folsomwellness.com
by Melissa Strand
Photo © Soloviova Liudmyla - stock.adobe.com. Photo © Sea Wave - stock.adobe.com.