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Style Magazine

Carey Mencarini / Founder — IV Lounge — Most Valuable Businesspeople 2022

3161 Cameron Park Drive, Suite 105
Cameron Park  |  530-387-7097

My passion for helping people led to founding IV Lounge in February 2021.  As someone who battled with a debilitating chronic illness, I relied on intravenous vitamin therapy weekly. 

I am grateful to have the ability to bring this invaluable service to our local area today!  The IV Lounge provides convenient access to affordable, high quality IV Vitamin therapy customized and administered by our Naturopath.  IV vitamin therapy is optimal fuel that is effective and reliable!

Are you ready to kickstart your body into gear with nutrients? Do you need a pick me up after a night out with friends? Are you suffering from a vitamin deficiency?  Maybe you are an elite athlete or weekend warrior in need of quicker recovery? If you answered yes to these questions, we have a solution for you, IV Therapy.

IV Therapy can quickly transport high levels of vitamins and minerals directly into your bloodstream, bypassing the digestive tract to absorb quickly. IV therapy has been around for over 50 years. It can provide excellent health benefits, including age management, improved immunity, illness recovery/prevention, detoxification, and hydration, to name a few.

Regular vitamin supplementation is key to better immunity and overall good health.