Mimi K. Sato-Re, M.D — Mimi Sato-Re, M.D. Family Medicine — Women In Business 2022
1216 Suncast Ln., Ste 1 // El Dorado Hills // 916-292-9777
Caring for patients for over 25 years as a family practice physician has been very rewarding to me. Augmenting my traditional medicine practice with functional and regenerative medicine has inspired me to find the root cause of patients’ illnesses while also bringing them to their optimal health from the inside out. Feeling well is the primary goal. I have incorporated many modalities to keep patients living lives to their fullest. Growing up in Hawaii, I enjoyed being in a naturally healthy environment and I found myself wanting to promote health in others. Becoming a physician, and traveling a path ranging from serving as President of my medical school class to serving as a Chief Resident of the U.C. Davis Department of Family and Community Medicine, allowed me to develop a solid foundation for having an active presence in the lives of my patients and finding deep satisfaction in seeing them thrive. In my practice, I promote attainment of key health objectives by encouraging, among other things, lifestyle changes, supplementation, energy medicine, low intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy, platelet rich plasma, myofascial release therapy, PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field therapy), and ION Cleanse to benefit and enrich my patients’ lives. In 2021, I began utilizing the OPUS microfractional plasma system to rejuvenate facial skin, bringing my patients even closer to optimal health, so that they can not only feel their best, but also look their best.