Incredible Pets

Our pets hold a special place in our hearts—and these pictures prove it.
Paws for a moment as you peruse this year’s pictorial of local animal
little girl, Pnut, a Chihuahua/Jack Russell terrier mix, is our
precious baby girl who was rescued from the Placer SPCA seven years
ago."—Kathy & JR Rothermel

“Pepper the cattle Lab is a
high-energy, fun-loving pooch who will spend all day in the water if you
let her. She’ll also do lots of tricks for treats and has a great
obsession for frisbees.” —Brianna Whisenhunt
“Lucita is six months old and loves to play dress up with her big sister and go on hikes to Folsom Lake.”—Elisa Watkins
“Chewy Bear (white) loves chasing anything you throw, but he has an unexplainable fear of our vacuum. Ted (black and white) loves to watch Chewy run and savor his treats.”—Alex Kestler
Chewy Bear and Ted
“My golden retriever, Tucker, loves the water and is the best family dog! We often go to Folsom Lake for a swim.”—John Michael
“Karly doesn’t have a mean bone in her body (unless you’re holding a hypodermic needle). I found her new kitten friend, Pandy, meowing all alone outside my office in an El Dorado Hills business park. They’re best buddies now!”—Jim Nystrom
Karly and Pandy
is a four-year-old Australian shepherd who’s crazy about dock diving
and water in general. She’s very loving and affectionate and loves to
please.”—Darcy Blessing
“Bruce Springsteen
is our very handsome bearded gentleman. He loves posting on his
Instagram (@bruce_the_beardie_2020), going for long walks, basking in
the sun, and eating strawberries.” —Deanna Spittles
Bruce Springsteen
“Hank is an eight-year-old German shepherd and Aspen
is a four-year-old golden retriever. Both are rescue dogs who love to
hike the trails and walk the beach several times a week at Folsom Lake.
They’re my best pals!”—Lorrie McClain
Hank and Aspen
is a one-year-old French bulldog. His special trick is that he can jump
high with all four legs off the ground. I call him ‘frog man.’ His
favorite food is an empty peanut butter jar, so he can try to get the
last lick out. Some nights he turns into a zombie dog; his eyes get
wide, he looks at you sideways, then lunges and barks like he’s going to
eat you—all for fun! He’s very happy, smart, sensitive, and curious.”—Andrea Lynn Attana
“Eight-year-old Belle and 14-year-old Ruby enjoy the lush green grass on their daily walks at the many local parks they visit.”—Carol Ritter
Belle and Ruby
“Zuzu is our pandemic fur baby! She’s a Lab mix and we got her at Wags & Whiskers Dog Rescue in Chico when she was 11 weeks old. She has a blankie she loves sleeping with and especially likes to eat shoes. We’re working on that!”—Debra Linn
“Moshi is a 10-week-old American akita who is very adventurous. She loves to rough house and is a very talented sleeper.”—Marvin Goda
“Harley is the friendliest, sweetest, furriest little 14-year-old baby. He loves going ‘bye-bye’ and being outdoors.”—Marina Johnson
“Each of our pups—Karma, Roxy, Diva, and Ghost—have
a unique personality. You never know what to expect with this bunch,
and no matter how sad you might be, they will make you smile, even
laugh, whenever they’re around. Diva might bring you a dead gopher
(yuck) and Roxy might get into the bathroom garbage pail again (yuck
again), but as they say: Girls just want to have fun!”—Cyndi & Dann Fugh
Karma, Rocky, Diva, Ghost, and their human
“Milo is a five-year-old bichon frise who is super lazy and loves cuddling on laps and car trips.”
—Marvin Goda
—Marvin Goda
“We adopted Misty from the SPCA. She loves bird watching, laying in the sun, and meows at us when she wants her cat treats!”—Kim Rowe
“Griffith Bark (aka Griffey) is our Valentine’s baby and just over a year old. He’s half Lab, half border collie, and loves the lake but hasn’t quite figured out the pool. He sleeps like a human—pillow and all. He’s our baby, and we aren’t just saying that because he whines so much.”—Andy & Dori Alpert
“Nine-year-old Max jumps into any body of water he sees. Nine-month-old CoCo loves food, playing ball, and attacking the garden hose spray!”—Sharon Wilson
Max and Coco
“Dino loves people and expects hugs from everybody. He’s ready to meet and greet!” —Dianne Fiori
came to me at five weeks old as an orphan. Depressed and missing his
mom, we bought a baby goat off Craigslist, and the two have been
inseparable ever since. You can follow his journey on Facebook or
Instagram (@buckleythehighlandcow). He also has an adorable children’s
book out (Buckley the Highland Cow and Ralphy the Goat: A True Story
about Kindness, Friendship, and Being Yourself).”—Leslie Ackerman
“Betsy (below) loves to be with people, bark a lot, and ‘clean’ our floors; Cesar (above) loves to play. They’re best friends!”—Laura Miller
Betsy and Cesar
“Biscuit is a five-year-old mini goldendoodle. He loves giving kisses and going on walks along Sutter Street and the local trails.”—Marie Gonzales
is our nine-year-old rescue who is practically human. She talks, steals
pillows, and is always listening with her giant ears. Daisy goes
everywhere we go, loves the beach, enjoys rides in our hot rods, stares
into our souls for treats, and is truly our best friend who makes us
laugh every day.”—Scott and Shannon Dewey
loves peanut butter, taking long strolls through the backyard at 3
a.m., reducing his stuffed animals to fluff, socializing with the
birdies of the yard, and meeting new friends. He brightens any room,
fills our hearts with love, and makes our lives better every single
day.” —Jessica Priest and Brandon Davis
loves playing fetch, hiking, cuddling on the couch, chasing small
animals, and especially loves going over to Grandma and Grandpa’s house.
She’s a high-energy love bug! —Mikey & Emily Corey
“Stella (border collie) and Kona
(lab mix) are the best adventure buddies! They love a good lizard hunt
or squirrel chase. Their favorite place is in the pines; the moment we
reach the backroads, Kona—who we lost last year—would start whining and
pace in the car with excitement. In this picture, we woke up early to
catch the sunrise over the mountains and enjoy breakfast with a view.”—Kayla Silva
Stella and Kona with their human
(yes, that’s his name) is our little ambassador at Ponderosa Ridge A
Bed & Breakfast. He loves to meet and hang out with our guests.”—Bonnie Kelley
“Hershey is nine years old, loves to sleep, and swim in the pool!”—Wendy Lowes
is our three-and-a-half-year-old standard poodle who is the sweetest
cuddly lap dog you’ll ever meet. He’s exceptionally smart—having earned
his CGC, Rally Intermediate and Advanced Trick Dog titles—but he’s also a
mischievous rascal who likes to get in the trash and pull stuff off the
counters any chance he gets!”—Pattie Lawler
“Dory, my Californian rabbit, loves her end of the couch. I’m lucky she leaves me half!” —Stacey Jonasen
is 100-plus-pound battering ram! He can plow through anything and can
also live to be 80-150 years old. He’s the third largest tortoise
species in the world, loves bananas, and is calm, persistent, and
gentle.” —Christina Preston
“Penny is a pawsome artist with a love for blue paint.”—Delisha Rood
our nine-year-old toy Yorkie, likes to dine out, attend outdoor
concerts, have picnics in Apple Hill, snuggle, and give lots of kisses”—Pat Tocher and Leonard Campos
was a very lovable, beautiful Scottish terrier. He always wanted to
cuddle. We recently lost him to cancer and miss him dearly.” —Debbie Saill
“A recent addition to the family, Ryder,
a 10-month-old rescue pup, loves taking each toy out to the yard one at
a time every morning. His favorite activities, however, are car rides
and catching bugs.”—Lindsey Plitt
“Levi and Wally, my two sphinxes, turn on the sink to drink water. They’re very sweet and act like dogs.”—Diana Torres
Levi and Wally
is a two-and-a-half-year-old standard poodle who still acts like a
goofy puppy. His favorite things are children, kitties, his big brother,
and his recliner!”— Pattie Lawler
is a 13-pound mini schnauzer with a heart of a lion. She loves going on
adventures around Folsom, taking afternoon naps, getting massages, and
eating gourmet foods. She’s a real princess.”—Robert Hagge
has been missing pet therapy and is excited that she will soon be
returning to Sacramento’s International Airport with the BARC (Boarding
Area Relaxation Corps) teams. Pet therapy is as good for the dogs as it
is for the people we meet.”—Kathy Prendergast
is an 11-year-old American shepherd and a loving, loyal friend. She
enjoys her walks, her cat, and has been following all COVID-19 protocols
(wearing a face mask and social distancing).”—Ron Sexton
“Tammy (boxer/pit mix) and Belle Starr are rescues. Tammy is a therapy dog and blood donor and Belle Starr dances for treats.” —Kathy Drew
Tammy and Belle-Starr
is our munchkin cat who loves standing on her back legs (they have very
short front legs). Here she is checking out her dad’s My Health Online
information.” —Ellise Blom
“I adopted Suki as a rescue in 2020. She’s a beautiful ‘tortie’ who’s feisty, loving, and has a different meow for everything!” —Samantha Russell
“Hoppy Barney isn’t always the sweetest, but he is the softest! He loves fresh veggies from the garden and hopping around the backyard.”—Deanna Spittles
Hoppy Barney
is turning nine this year! Can you say ruler of our house? She loves
going for rides with the family and always knows when the weekend has
arrived! We love our girl.” —Theresa Arnold
three-year-old French bulldog—is the biggest, bossiest ham! He loves to
be close to us all the time and talks in snorts and head nods. When he
wants to go outside, he leans his head back toward the door and gives us
a look like ‘up now!’ He also lays in any sunny spot in the house—even
if it’s only an inch or two—and loves blueberries.”—Kelly Bush
“We adopted Olivia
from Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue. She’s 11 and still enjoys
her daily walks (though she naps most of the day) and dog treats.”—Kim Rowe
“Evie is a cane corso. Despite knowing more than 40 commands, she still refuses to understand what ‘no digging’ means.”—Katarzyna, Michał, and Melania Misiaszek
is a German shepherd mix. She can walk on her back legs, run sideways
when she’s super hyper, and can be very lazy when she wants. Her
favorite foods are meatballs and chicken.” —Kelsey Bonstein
“One-year-old Cola loves to play with our rabbit Tank and swim in our pool.”—Wendy Lowes
Cola and Tank
“City Cat is our mighty hunter! Rodents don’t stand a chance with her on the watch.” —Bonnie Kelley
City Cat
is the protector of her family. Her greatest feat was treeing a bear.
She loves touch and lots of love and enjoys burying things in the
backyard.” —Becky Brewer
“Willis, a German wirehaired pointer, is obsessed with tennis balls and loves swimming in Folsom Lake.”—Amy Pierce
“Don’t let that innocent face fool you! Ripley loves to knock over her water bowl daily.”—Joseph and Diana OLooney
enjoys his weekly trip to our local Starbucks for a refreshing
Pupaccino. He’s a happy, friendly dog and is well-known and admired
throughout his hometown of Lincoln.”—Jacqueline Thrasher
always insists on showing guests every one of her 50-plus toys and is
the hit of every party. Here she is with a ‘puppy party hangover.’” —Amanda Schaffner
is a 14-year-old Chihuahua who likes traveling with his dad, Lon, and
taking souvenir pictures wherever they go. He’s a little grumpy but
completely dedicated to his dad.”—Darcy Blessing
loves to travel with his family and has gotten to go many places. His
favorite thing to do at home is play fetch with his ‘stuffies.’ He’s
fun, and the most loving and cuddly family member! Follow him on
Instagram (@olivers_amazing_travels).”—Becky Brewer
“The newest critter at the ‘Frank Family Zoo’ is Ben’s furry hamster Sherbet. He’s good at being cute and climbs like a competitor on American Ninja Warrior!”—Paul, Darci, Maddie, Sam, & Ben Frank
was a STYLE Magazine ‘cover model’ back in 2008, and he’s still with us
today. In his golden years, he likes long naps, slow walks to the park,
and laying down to people watch and soak up some pets from kids. We
love our golden mutt (rescue dog)!”—Paul, Darci, Maddie, Sam, & Ben Frank
our 14-year-old papillon, was an active little guy in his younger
years—doing obedience and agility—but now he mostly sleeps next to me on
the couch or on my chair at work.”— Pattie Lawler
“Every day, 16-year-old Duke
walks one mile to Green Acres in Rocklin where he receives two
Milk-Bone treats from the cashier! He starts barking as we approach the
store, so the cashier can get the bones ready for him.” —Marcia Hastings
an American bully, loves water bottles and does all the tricks: stand
(we don’t like calling it ‘beg’), sit, shake, wave, and lay.”—Diana Torres
“Dublin and Guinness love swimming and playing ball, but more importantly they love stealing socks from their mom and dad’s hamper!”—Shannon Odell
Dublin and Guinness
“My English bull terrier, Zoey,
who we got at the shelter over eight years ago, brings my slippers to
me every night and then brings my wife’s slippers to her. She spins
three times and says ‘please’ for her treats and loves to ride in my
pickup truck, play dead, and stay warm by the fire.”—Michael Harding
“Chirpy Cheeks
is a 10-year-old Easter egger rooster who watches carefully over his
flock of ladies at our small horse ranch in Roseville. He loves to
snuggle his mom’s neck and clicks his beak repeatedly whenever she holds
him anywhere close to her neck. He also loves to be carried around by
his dad and will fall asleep in his parents’ arms—the only time he feels
he can take a break from watching over his young hens. He loves
strawberries, blueberries, and mulberries—as long as they’re not hiding
any medicine!”—Brandi Reinert
Chirpy Cheeks
“Shadow is a sweet, smart and sassy standard poodle with a lot of style!”—JoAnn DeLise
was rescued nine years ago and just turned 15. She’s a happy girl and
loves to talk; she has a different tone for treats, going outside, and
ear rubs!”—Jeffrey & Tammy DeFault
Top Dogs: Most Popular Breeds
Every dog might have its day, but the breeds below are the most popular in the U.S., according to the American Kennel Club.
Labrador Retriever
•The Labrador retriever has been the most popular dog breed for the last 30 years.
•Despite the name, this breed comes from Newfoundland. It’s unclear how the name “Labrador” came into play.
•Labs are originally duck retrievers with a coat built to withstand the harshest conditions.
•The Lab’s thick tail, often called an “otter tail,” serves as a powerful rudder, constantly moving back and forth, and aides the dog in turning while in the water.
French Bulldog
•Despite the French bulldog being bred as companion dogs, they’re surprisingly good watchdogs.
•The French bulldog’s reputation as a favorite breed among city dwellers originates in France. The breed became associated with Paris café life and the women who frequented the Parisian dancehalls.
•Artists such as Edgar Degas and Toulouse-Lautrec often depicted Frenchies in their paintings.
German Shepherd
•German shepherds were initially bred to herd sheep. Today, they excel as police, military, and service dogs, which some attribute to their high trainability.
•German shepherds aren’t only known for their intelligence, agility, and speed, but they’re also fiercely loyal to their owner.
Golden Retriever
•The first golden retrievers were developed in Scotland in the late 19th century and first appeared at a British dog show in the early 1900s. They arrived in North America shortly thereafter.
•Golden retrievers are used successfully in field trials, hunting, obedience, and as guide dogs for the blind, amongst many other sports and jobs.
•The bulldog is used as the mascot for multiple sports teams; most notably, the Yale Bulldogs and the University of Georgia and their famous mascots, Handsome Dan and Uga, respectively.
•Historical evidence suggests that bulldogs date all the way back to the 13th century.
•Bulldogs have been owned by Presidents Calvin Coolidge and Warren G. Harding.
•The standard poodle was initially bred to be a waterfowl retriever.
•Despite the poodle’s association with the country of France, the name poodle comes from the German word “pudelin,” which refers to splashing in water.
•The flamboyant poodle show coat serves a practical purpose. While retrieving in the water, hunters wanted their dogs to have free range of motion while also protecting their joints and internal organs by keeping them warm.
•President Lyndon B. Johnson owned three beagles: Him, Her, and Edgar (named after J. Edgar Hoover).
•Believe it or not, beagles don’t drool and have minimal shedding.
•The origin of the breed name is shrouded in mystery. Some say it derives from the Gaelic word beag, meaning “little” while others say it comes from the sound hounds made while hunting, which is called “be’geule.”
•Rottweilers initially found popularity as police dogs in the early 20th century.
•Early Rottweilers date back all the way to the Roman Empire.
•The name “Rottweiler” comes from the name of the town, Rottweil, in Germany, where early Rottweilers found work after the collapse of the Roman Empire.
German Shorthaired Pointer
•German shorthaired pointers are versatile hunter and all-purpose bird dogs.
•With their webbed feet, the German shorthaired pointer is one of the finest swimmers out of all recognized dog breeds.
•Origins of the breed date back to the 1700s. To this day, they are among the top-winning breeds in competitive hunting events.
•Dachshunds were developed in Germany over 300 years ago to hunt badger. In German, “dachshund” quite literally translates to “badger dog.”
•Dachshunds come in three different coat varieties (smooth-haired, long-haired, and wire-haired) and two different sizes (standard and miniature).
•The dachshund’s long and low stature was made for the low, dirty subterranean work of digging into a badger’s den to dispatch its occupant.
Labrador Retriever
•The Labrador retriever has been the most popular dog breed for the last 30 years.
•Despite the name, this breed comes from Newfoundland. It’s unclear how the name “Labrador” came into play.
•Labs are originally duck retrievers with a coat built to withstand the harshest conditions.
•The Lab’s thick tail, often called an “otter tail,” serves as a powerful rudder, constantly moving back and forth, and aides the dog in turning while in the water.
French Bulldog
•Despite the French bulldog being bred as companion dogs, they’re surprisingly good watchdogs.
•The French bulldog’s reputation as a favorite breed among city dwellers originates in France. The breed became associated with Paris café life and the women who frequented the Parisian dancehalls.
•Artists such as Edgar Degas and Toulouse-Lautrec often depicted Frenchies in their paintings.
German Shepherd
•German shepherds were initially bred to herd sheep. Today, they excel as police, military, and service dogs, which some attribute to their high trainability.
•German shepherds aren’t only known for their intelligence, agility, and speed, but they’re also fiercely loyal to their owner.
Golden Retriever
•The first golden retrievers were developed in Scotland in the late 19th century and first appeared at a British dog show in the early 1900s. They arrived in North America shortly thereafter.
•Golden retrievers are used successfully in field trials, hunting, obedience, and as guide dogs for the blind, amongst many other sports and jobs.
•The bulldog is used as the mascot for multiple sports teams; most notably, the Yale Bulldogs and the University of Georgia and their famous mascots, Handsome Dan and Uga, respectively.
•Historical evidence suggests that bulldogs date all the way back to the 13th century.
•Bulldogs have been owned by Presidents Calvin Coolidge and Warren G. Harding.
•The standard poodle was initially bred to be a waterfowl retriever.
•Despite the poodle’s association with the country of France, the name poodle comes from the German word “pudelin,” which refers to splashing in water.
•The flamboyant poodle show coat serves a practical purpose. While retrieving in the water, hunters wanted their dogs to have free range of motion while also protecting their joints and internal organs by keeping them warm.
•President Lyndon B. Johnson owned three beagles: Him, Her, and Edgar (named after J. Edgar Hoover).
•Believe it or not, beagles don’t drool and have minimal shedding.
•The origin of the breed name is shrouded in mystery. Some say it derives from the Gaelic word beag, meaning “little” while others say it comes from the sound hounds made while hunting, which is called “be’geule.”
•Rottweilers initially found popularity as police dogs in the early 20th century.
•Early Rottweilers date back all the way to the Roman Empire.
•The name “Rottweiler” comes from the name of the town, Rottweil, in Germany, where early Rottweilers found work after the collapse of the Roman Empire.
German Shorthaired Pointer
•German shorthaired pointers are versatile hunter and all-purpose bird dogs.
•With their webbed feet, the German shorthaired pointer is one of the finest swimmers out of all recognized dog breeds.
•Origins of the breed date back to the 1700s. To this day, they are among the top-winning breeds in competitive hunting events.
•Dachshunds were developed in Germany over 300 years ago to hunt badger. In German, “dachshund” quite literally translates to “badger dog.”
•Dachshunds come in three different coat varieties (smooth-haired, long-haired, and wire-haired) and two different sizes (standard and miniature).
•The dachshund’s long and low stature was made for the low, dirty subterranean work of digging into a badger’s den to dispatch its occupant.
Compiled by Megan Wiskus
Stella & Kona photo by Alpine K Photography. Other pet photos courtesy of thier respective owners.