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Style Magazine

Introducing Janis Watson at Terra Cottage in Roseville

Terra Cottage
426 Vernon Street, Roseville, 916-899-6721; 722 Sutter Street, Folsom, 916-294-7923,, @terra_cottage, @terracottageshop

Services or products you offer: We're a lifestyle boutique with clothes that fit just right, home accents to make your house feel like a home, gifts that are perfect for every season of life, and artisanal foods and self-care items that make staying home feel like a treat.

What you enjoy most about your profession: Serving and connecting with our community.

Fun fact about your company: It was formed on a whim in about three months with no formal training and is now a thriving business that employs my fiancé and me, as well as an amazing team.

First job: Retail!

Favorite food: All things local.

Last big purchase: Products for the holiday season.

When not working, you can be found: Snuggling my new nephew, working on my home, or going on family walks with my two rescue dogs.

You love living here, because: Northern California has the cutest downtown communities with the most amazing people who make a point to shop small and invest in their neighbor's businesses. The community feels so family-friendly, and I'm so grateful to escape the harsh winters I grew up with!

Photos by Dante Fontana © and wholly owned by Style Media Group—please don’t steal our copyrighted photos. For more information about our editorial photos, please click here to contact us <<LINK TO

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