What's Cooking? 14 Kitchen Products From Local Stores in Folsom, Roseville, and Placerville

Bonavita Wide Base Porcelain Immersion Dripper, $39.99
Argos Caffe, 195 Blue Ravine Road, Suite 100, Folsom, 916-293-8256, argoscaffe.com
Sunrise Natural Foods, 1950 Douglas Boulevard, Roseville, 916-789-8591; 2160 Grass Valley Highway, Auburn, 530-888-8973, sunrisenaturalfoods.net
Argos Caffe, 195 Blue Ravine Road, Suite 100, Folsom, 916-293-8256, argoscaffe.com
7" Round Stoneware Brie Baker w/ Wood Spreader, $25 and Guacamole Dip Cup Set, $24
Deer Creek Farm, 5465 Pacific Street, Rocklin, 916-624-3276, deercreekfarmrocklin.com
Note: Proceeds from purchases go directly to the store’s nonprofit, Compassion Planet, an organization that mentors, provides basic life skills, and employs at-risk and aged-out foster youth.
Deer Creek Farm, 5465 Pacific Street, Rocklin, 916-624-3276, deercreekfarmrocklin.com
Note: Proceeds from purchases go directly to the store’s nonprofit, Compassion Planet, an organization that mentors, provides basic life skills, and employs at-risk and aged-out foster youth.
Table Grater, $25, and Toastabags, $10
Kitchen Goods by Ultimate Designs, 451 Main Street, Suite 3, Placerville, 530-903-2229, ultimatedesignkitchens.com
Kitchen Goods by Ultimate Designs, 451 Main Street, Suite 3, Placerville, 530-903-2229, ultimatedesignkitchens.com
Shun Classic 4” Paring Knife, $99.95
Sandalwood House for Cooks, 1470 Grass Valley Highway, Auburn, 530-888-1128, sandalwoodhouse.net
Note: Professional on-site knife sharpening is available every third Thursday of the month.
Sandalwood House for Cooks, 1470 Grass Valley Highway, Auburn, 530-888-1128, sandalwoodhouse.net
Note: Professional on-site knife sharpening is available every third Thursday of the month.
Country-Style Pâté, $8 and Whole Grain Mustard, $9.50
The Farm Table, 311 Main Street, Placerville, 530-295-8140, ourfarmtable.com
The Farm Table, 311 Main Street, Placerville, 530-295-8140, ourfarmtable.com
The Grillin’ Special B (includes your choice of two ready-to-eat proteins and two sides), starts at $110+
Randy Peters Catering & Event Center, 105 Vernon Street, Roseville, 916-726-2339, randypeterscatering.com
The Baker & the Cakemaker Bread Loaf, $5.99Randy Peters Catering & Event Center, 105 Vernon Street, Roseville, 916-726-2339, randypeterscatering.com
Sunrise Natural Foods, 1950 Douglas Boulevard, Roseville, 916-789-8591; 2160 Grass Valley Highway, Auburn, 530-888-8973, sunrisenaturalfoods.net
Bring the Joy Rectangular Serving Platter, $37.95
Nothing Bundt Cakes, 2793 East Bidwell Street, Suite 200, Folsom,
916-984-4383; 1112 Galleria Boulevard, Suite 140, Roseville, 916-780-2253, nothingbundtcakes.com
Nothing Bundt Cakes, 2793 East Bidwell Street, Suite 200, Folsom,
916-984-4383; 1112 Galleria Boulevard, Suite 140, Roseville, 916-780-2253, nothingbundtcakes.com
Spice Grinder, $35, and Marble Pinch Pots on Acacia Wood Board, $46
Brass + Oak, 320 Main Street, Placerville, 530-497-5529, brassandoakhome.com
Brass + Oak, 320 Main Street, Placerville, 530-497-5529, brassandoakhome.com
Six Seasons: A New Way with Vegetables by Joshua McFadden with Martha Holmberg, $40
Face in a Book, 4359 Town Center Boulevard, Suite 113, El Dorado Hills, 916-941-9401, getyourfaceinabook.com
Face in a Book, 4359 Town Center Boulevard, Suite 113, El Dorado Hills, 916-941-9401, getyourfaceinabook.com
Emily Peter-COREY & Megan Wiskus
14 Kitchen Products [14 Images]
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