Arts Council of Placer County Artists’ Reception & Housewarming Party in Rocklin

Hacker Lab, Rocklin
The Arts Council of Placer County (ACPC) hosted this event inside their new locale at Hacker Lab and dedicated the night to celebrating all of the artists, volunteers, and generous supporters who make local art events possible. After a ribbon-cutting ceremony with the Rocklin Chamber of Commerce, the ACPC Volunteer of the Year Award was presented to Cathryn Moody.
Photos courtesy of ACPC
1. Ribbon cutting with Rocklin Mayor Joe Patterson, the Rocklin Chamber of Commerce, and local art supporters
2. ACPC Board Members Kareen Newman, Anita Menon, Benjamin Newman, and Susan Hogg
3. Jim Crosthwaite, Trisa Swerdlow, Keiko Kim Parker, and Cathryn Moody
4. Artist demo by Marianne Harris
Arts Council of Placer County Artists’ Reception & Housewarming Party [4 Images]
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