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Seasons's Eatings: Placergrown Beef

NUTRITION  //  Grass-fed beef is one of the best sources of protein around and is higher in precursors for vitamins A and E and cancer-fighting antioxidants compared to grain-fed beef; it also contains more omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a powerful polyunsaturated fatty acid we get from our diets that’s been shown to fight cancer, discourage weight gain, and build muscle. Getting enough healthy fats in your diet is extremely helpful to keep your blood sugar at a healthy level, and grass-fed beef is a great source. Many people avoid beef and meat entirely because of environmental concerns, but when it comes to grass-fed beef, there’s good news: Research shows that traditional grass-based beef production and finishing actually benefit the environment by decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the biodiversity of pasture ecosystems, and improving the quality of runoff water from well-managed pastures.

DID YOU KNOW?  // All cattle are descended from as few as 80 animals that were domesticated from wild ox in the Near East some 10,500 years ago, according to a new genetic study. There are 800 breeds of cattle around the world, and their origins trace back to the area covered by modern-day Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and Israel.

SELECTION AND STORAGE  //  The best thing about buying beef at the farmers’ market is that you’re buying from the person who knows beef best, and if you’re in the mood to grill, they can show you the best cuts. Take the time to get to know your rancher and pre-order a specific cut of meat. Most of our local ranchers sell more than one particular meat, so you may find pork, chicken, and lamb, too! It’s good to bring a cooler along if you plan to buy meat, as it needs to be kept cold all the way home. Raw, uncooked meat generally lasts safely for around three days in the refrigerator. If you plan to keep uncooked meat longer, freezing is your best bet; make sure you store the meat in an airtight package (like a resealable plastic bag) before doing so.

By Carol Arnold