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Introducing the Johnson Ranch Pet Rehabilitation Center in Roseville

Aug 25, 2015 01:54PM ● By Style

Karen Johnson, DVM, CCRP - Photo by Dante Fontana © Style Media Group

Johnson Ranch Pet Rehabilitation Center | Roseville | 916-789-7722 

Describe your business. Did you find it, or did it find you?

Imagine physical therapy as it applies to dogs and cats—that’s what pet rehabilitation is all about. Geriatric animals in need of supportive exercise, post-surgery recuperation, strengthening for performance animals and weight loss are all a part of what I do. The business has two underwater treadmills, two therapeutic lasers, two electrical stimulation units, two ultrasounds, balance equipment and an outside exercise yard. Owners are invited to work alongside their personal coach to help provide encouragement and comfort to their pets. The concept found me when I started seeing dogs being put to sleep because their body gave out before their spirit was ready to go. Now I can offer extended quality of life for many of my patients.

How are you involved with both the community and your customer?

The rehabilitation center is community supportive by sponsoring and supporting local nonprofits like Healing Heroes (a Rocklin-based group that aids PTSD veterans and their companion dogs), Placer SPCA dogs in need of a “tune up,” and rescue group animals who are nearly ready for adoption.  

Why is your staff the best in the business?

My staff is comprised of me (a licensed veterinarian and certified canine rehabilitation practitioner), my rehab coordinator (a licensed RVT and certified canine rehabilitation practitioner), my manager (a licensed RVT) and two coaches who were handpicked for their compassion and dedication to pet health care.

What life accomplishments are you most proud of?

They are varied, from an extensive background of diverse careers to my current owner/management of a three-in-one entity business. I’m also a proud parent of two loving daughters and a grandmother to five crazy grandchildren. Not bad for a Midwest farmer’s daughter!

What’s your favorite place to eat out locally?

Peg’s Glorified Ham n Eggs—it’s yummy and owned by some terrific people!

And finally, customer service is…?

Measured by the amount of heart you apply to your business. Ask my customers!

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