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Roseville School District Converts Turf Landscaping with City Grant

Apr 23, 2015 12:00PM ● By Steven Jack

The Roseville Joint Unified High School District recently used a $2,500 grant from the city of Roseville to convert the landscaping outside district offices to a water-wise design. (Photo courtesy of the city of Roseville)

The city of Roseville's Cash for Grass Program is paying off for the Roseville Joint Unified High School District. 

The district recently replaced about 4,000 square feet of turf at their offices on Cirby way with water-wise drought resistant landscaping. 
The program allowed the district to use about $2,500 in a city rebate to offset the cost of the project.

“This project allowed us to kill two birds with one stone,” said Joe Landon, Executive Director of Business Services for the Roseville Joint Unified High School District. “Now that the project is complete, we can expect to save a lot water and also lower the maintenance required to maintain a lush landscape.”

The project, which took two months to finish, was completed with the assistance of local landscape designer Kate Bowers.

“I was excited to help update their landscape, which was a very typical example of 20-30 year old landscaping that is not only higher water, but also requires a lot more maintenance than a more natural, lower-water design,” Bowers said. 

The district says they also are looking at other ways to save water and meet conservation goals, including looking at other sites that could benefit from Cash for Grass. 

For more information about the City’s Cash for Grass program, visit