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Style Magazine

Ask the Expert - Fighting Wrinkles

Mar 25, 2015 01:20PM ● By Style

Celia Remy, M.D.

Q: Is there a benefit to using natural augmentation versus dermal filler for facial wrinkles?

A:  Fat augmentation (fat grafting) and dermal fillers are both used to replace the supportive volume lost from the face over time—which causes skin droopiness—and lift facial tissues. There are pros and cons to both treatments, and every patient should be evaluated individually to understand the risks and benefits of each one. Injectable fillers—the lower-cost “quick fix” for revolumizing the face—could be considered, and dermal fillers are ideal when a simple office visit is preferred. Fat grafting, which uses fat taken from one area of the body and places it into another, is a more involved procedure; but since it gives the doctor additional fat to work with, it allows rejuvenation of the entire face. Not all of the fat grafted will survive, however, and additional grafts may be desired. The good news? The fat that does survive will survive for life.  

—Celia Remy, MDPC
Vitality Stem Cell & Aesthetic Medicine 
Folsom, 916-508-8640
Roseville, 916-797-1131