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Style Magazine

Folsom Yoga Instructor Helping Students 'Step Into Their Best Lives'

Feb 26, 2015 02:24PM ● By Style

Cathy Connors – Photo by Dante Fontana © Style Media Group

929 Sutter Street
Folsom, 916-671-0678

Describe your business. Did you find it, or did it find you?

My love for helping others led me to become a psychologist in my 20s; my love for athletics led me to become a yoga teacher in my 40s. Some might say that yoga has taken over my life in recent years, and I would agree. Yoga isn’t something you do; it’s a state of being, and—through the powerful practice of both life coaching and yoga—I’m committed to helping others achieve a sense of peace, acceptance and empowerment. Shantdev Yoga is a business that offers individual sessions, retreats, classes and workshops—all aimed at supporting others to step into their best life.

What was the first job you ever had, and what did you learn from the experience?

My first job was at McDonald’s. I learned that no matter what environment you work in, the people you work with can make all the difference in the world.

What life accomplishments are you most proud of?

Living my truth, and my commitment to the path of self-discovery, growth and joy.

Who is your role model in business or in life, and why?

My late grandmother—she made every person she came into contact with feel as if they were the most special person in the world, including me.

What’s your favorite place to eat out locally?

Back Wine Bar has the best ahi poke and staff!

What’s your favorite local business other than your own?

Whole Foods Market—I always run into tons of people every time I’m there.

And finally, customer service is…?

Truly valuing your customer—not only as a customer but as a person, too. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, compassion and kindness.

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