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Style Magazine

Introducing...The Studio Martial Arts and Fitness

Mar 01, 2010 05:41AM ● By Wendy Sipple

Photo by Dante Fontana

Describe your business. Did you find it, or did it find you?

We are in the business of bettering the lives of those in our community whom train at The Studio, through health, fitness and safety instruction, and by instilling people with the virtues of the martial arts. This business definitely found me; this is my passion and hobby “gone wild.” This is my way of giving to my community, and I just want to share the benefits that I have gained from it with others.

What was the first job you ever had, and what did you learn from the experience?

One of my first jobs was as an assistant Taekwondo instructor, and I learned how amazing it is to help others believe in themselves and develop into someone they never thought they could be…a more confident and better person.

How are you involved with both the community and your customer?

We provide personal safety training seminars and share self-defense techniques in the form of free workshops to our community. We train both children and adult students at our center and focus on building their character and instilling self-confidence so they can be and become contributing members of the community. We provide child finger print kits to families in our community at events in hopes of keeping them safe. By instilling the virtues of martial arts, such as integrity, perseverance, self-control, etc., into our child students we are helping create tomorrow’s leaders. By instilling such martial arts virtues in our adult clients we build stronger individuals with strong bodies and clear minds, and in doing so we build a better society.

Why is your staff the best in the business?

Our staff is dedicated to giving back what they received from their training in the martial arts and other fitness programs. They care about our clients and believe in the vision of how martial arts training and fitness can change people’s lives.

What life accomplishments are you most proud of?

I am proud to have been a member of the U.S. Taekwondo Team competing in the World Cup representing our country; being one of the very few women to achieve the rank of sixth degree black belt; and graduating from Stanford University with my master’s degree.

And finally, customer service is…?

Is everything!